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PSF Meeting Minutes for Oct. 11, 2023

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Title: 2023-10-10 PSF Second Board Meeting Minutes Encoding: utf-8 Author: psf at Content-Type: text/x-rst

The Python Software Foundation
Minutes of a Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors

October 10, 2023

A regular meeting of the Python Software Foundation ("PSF") Board of Directors was held over Group Conference Call via phone and Internet Relay Chat/Slack beginning at 15:00 UTC, on October 10, 2023. Deb Nicholson took notes/minutes. These minutes are for the second of two board meetings held on October 10, 2023.

Resolutions considered in the first meeting are included in the minutes for the first meeting, HERE:

All votes are reported in the form "Y-N-A" (in favor-Y‚opposed-N‚abstentions-A; e.g. "5-1-2" means "5 in favor, 1 opposed, and 2 abstentions").

1   Attendance

The following members of the Board of Directors (11 of 12) were present at the meeting: Jannis Leidel, Simon Willison, Deb Nicholson, Débora Azevedo, Dawn Wages, Kushal Das, Tania Allard, Denny Perez, Cheuk Ting Ho, Georgi Ker, Kwon-Han Bae.

2   New Business

  • The PSF discussed the Django Africa Grant request and voted on the following resolutions:

    RESOLVED, that the Python Software Foundation Board grant $9,000 USD to DjangoCon Africa taking place November 6-11, 2023 in Zanzibar, Tanzania.

    Approved; 10-0-1, 2023-10-11

Meeting adjourned at 15:30 UTC