Supporting Membership
Become a Supporting Member of the PSF!
What does it mean to be a Supporting Member of the PSF?
Supporting Members make an annual membership donation to the PSF to fund our work for the Python language and the Python community. Supporting Members have voting rights in annual PSF Board Elections and bylaw votes.
Supporting Members provide an important share of the PSF’s annual revenue every year. Income from Supporting Memberships is independent of particular corporate interests, and helps hold us accountable to our most important stakeholders: our community members. Supporting Members are key to ensuring we can continue the work that is most important to the Python community, including hosting the Python Packaging Index, PyCon US, the CPython Developer in Residence, and our Grants program.
A standard Supporting Membership is $99 per year, and you can sign up or renew here on our site. You will be asked to create a account if you do not already have one.
Become a Supporting Member of the PSF - Sliding Scale Rate (NEW)!
What is the Supporting Membership Sliding Scale Rate?
Supporting Members make an annual membership donation to the PSF to fund our work for the Python language and the Python community. Supporting Members have voting rights in annual PSF Board Elections and bylaw votes.
Examples of why you might select a sliding scale Supporting Membership:
- You work in a country with lower average incomes than the US or Western Europe.
- You are a student.
- You are currently un- or underemployed.
(These are just illustrative examples to help you select a rate! We won't ask for any information about the reason for your selection.)
Your Supporting Membership will make you eligible to vote for candidates for the PSF Board of Directors, changes in the PSF bylaws, and other matters related to the infrastructure of the foundation. We value the participation of each member of the Python community and do not want financial barriers to keep individuals from participating as a member of the PSF. Please choose the amount that best fits your personal situation. Whatever donation is right for you, we are grateful for your support!
We do ask that you be mindful that this membership option is available to promote accessibility and contribute to the PSF’s mission to support and facilitate the growth of a diverse and international community. We welcome everyone who wants to contribute, as we aspire to an environment where anyone can participate, and everyone can make a difference.
Please note that Basic Membership is always free, and if you are eligible for the Contributing or Maintaining membership category, you can also receive voting membership at no cost by self-certifying here.