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Volunteer Opportunities for PyCon US

The volunteer staff plays a huge role in the success of PyCon US! There are many opportunities to get involved and be part of the team starting early on in the planning all the way through the final day of sprints. If you are interested in volunteering check back often for new opportunities and select one that would best fit your passion.

Current Opportunities

Travel Grant Committee We are seeking new members to shape strategy and support in-person disbursement sessions. We are looking for applications for both PyCon US 2022 and 2023 in Salt Lake City.

Applications are closed for the Travel Grant Committee

PyCon Charlas Committee La Python Software Foundation y el Staff de la PyCon promueve y aprecia la participación de voluntaries. Nuestra misión en apoyar y facilitar el crecimiento de una comunidad diversa e internacional y esto requiere la participación de la comunidad en si misma. El voluntariado para los comítes de la PyCon US son una forma de involucrarse y hacer la diferencia. Si te gustaría unirte al comíte de PyCon Charlas `por favor llena este formulation

Applications are closed for the PyCon Charlas Committee