PSF Meeting Minutes for Feb. 8, 2016
A regular meeting of the Python Software Foundation ("PSF") Board of Directors was held over Group Conference Call via phone and Internet Relay Chat beginning at 20:00 UTC, on February 8, 2016. Betsy Waliszewski took notes/minutes.
All votes are reported in the form "Y-N-A" (in favor-Y‚opposed-N‚abstentions-A; e.g. "5-1-2" means "5 in favor, 1 opposed, and 2 abstentions").
1 Attendance
The following members of the Board of Directors (8 of 11) were present at the meeting: Van Lindberg, Naomi Ceder, Marc-Andre Lemburg, Lynn Root, Carol Willing, Nick Coghlan, Ashwini Oruganti, and Diana Clarke.
Kurt Kaiser (Treasurer), Betsy Waliszewski (Event Planner and Administrator), and Ewa Jodlowska (Director of Operations) were also in attendance.
2 Minutes of Past Meetings
The 27 January 2016 Board meeting minutes were voted on and approved.
RESOLVED, that the PSF approve the minutes at as representing a true and accurate record of the January 27, 2016 meeting. Approved 6-0-2.
3 Meetup Expenses Approved
- $117 USD: PyLadies Remote sticker reimbursement request
4 Work Group Reports
4.1 Scientific Python
Nothing to report at this time.
4.2 Trademarks
Feb 2016
- approved logo variant use on a blog (Piotr Ciesielski)
Jan 2016
- logo for the Talk Python To Me Podcast: we have requested a change of the original logo
- logo on a twitter account (Elizabeth Wicks): we're in touch with the owner to find a solution
- approved logo on a company page (Blueshift Technology Group)
- approved logo use in training material (Education Division at SAS)
- approved logo use for local Python user group (Almería, Spain)
- approved logo use on t-shirts (SPEL Technologies)
- checked TM registration for PYTHONBRAND: no issues found
- approved logo use for open source project
- approved use of "PyCon Isreal" for a new Python conference in Israel
Dec 2015
- approved use of Python logo inspired snakes in PyComic
- approved use of the logo on a company blog post (Sophicware)
- approved use of logo for pySpenser robot project
- rejected pixelated Python derivative use (Armando Vasquez) and suggested non-trademarked alternatives
4.3 Cuban Pythonistas
- Confirmation of a talk about "Reflections on teaching Python to (data) scientists" by David Mertz in the context of Cuba Conference. PyCuLeaks : afaik , scheduled on April 25th ;)
- Participation in Cuba Conference of other PSF members - still WiP, but should be carved in stone in the next few days
- CubaConf grant proposal submitted to the board
- In the context of CubaConf , organization of a sprint aimed at improving Brython integration with node.js April 27th
- 9th edition of Encuentro Social de Desarrolladores scheduled on March 12th will be dedicated to run the first edition of PyDay Havana - three talks confirmed
- 10th edition of Encuentro Social de Desarrolladores on April will receive David Mertz, who will talk about "Functional programming in Python". <joke>... forbidden to talk about monads in there ! you want'em monads? you ain't go to a snaky heaven ...</joke>
- Contacts with some intl. communities
- A handful of other tasks ... but still WiP
4.4 Grants
- RESOLVED: 700€ for OSCamp @Iași
Passed 9-0-0, on 01/18/2016
Notes: Original request was for 1200 euros, but discussion seemed to settle at 700 euros, which is the same level at their Silver sponsorship. This conference is not a Python-only conference.
- RESOLVED: $3200 for DjangoCon Europe 2016
Passed 9-0-0, on 01/18/2016
Notes: $3200 to fund DjangoCon Europe 2016 conference, which is held between March 30th and April 3rd. This will be considered as a discounted Gold package. Comes with booth, but they said they may give us tickets instead since PSF can’t staff.
- RESOLVED: 250 Euros (~ 274 USD) for Django Girls Wroclaw
Passed 6-0-0, on 01/21/2016
- RESOLVED: $500 for Django Girls in Mexico City
Passed 7-0-0, on 01/23/2016
Notes: $500 is the suggested value since no value was specified.
4.5 Marketing
We have decided on 4 items for giveaways: t-shirt, pen, notebook, and flashlight. Stephen Hawkes is working on a design for the shirt. We're also putting together our budget to present to the board and should have that ready by our next meeting.
4.6 Bundle Sponsorship
Although we received positive feedback from 4 companies (LinkedIn, RedHat, OpenEye Software, Bank of America), none have committed to any of our offerings. We just received the first proof of the new design for the prospectus and when it's approved, will be moving forward with presenting it to other potential sponsors. At that time, we'll also include 2 additional conferences: PyCon ZA and PyCon Australia. That brings the total number of conferences to 12.
6 Approvals / Votes by Email
RESOLVED, that the Python Software Foundation grant $850 USD to Manuel Kaufmann for Outreach Workshop #1 to be hosted in 2016.
Approved 11-0-0 via email on February 8, 2016.
7 New Business
RESOLVED, that the Python Software Foundation grant $6440 USD to Christopher Neugebauer for the development of open source conference registration software to complement the Symposion suite of conference management tools.
Approved 8-0-0, on February 8, 2016
RESOLVED, that the Python Software Foundation grant the pytest core team $3000 USD to support Pytest and Tox development.
Approved 8-0-0, on February 8, 2016
8 Other Business / Discussions
Trademarks - follow up via email.
Iron Level sponsor member application from Continue to discuss via email.
PyDay in Loja, Ecuador - continue discussion via email.
9 Meeting Adjournment
Van Lindberg adjourned the board meeting at 20:00 UTC on February 8, 2016.