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PSF Meeting Minutes for June 20, 2014

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The Python Software Foundation
Minutes of a Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors

June 20, 2014

A regular meeting of the Python Software Foundation ("PSF") Board of Directors was held over Group Conference Call via phone and Internet Relay Chat beginning at 13:00 GMT, on June 20, 2014. Van Lindberg presided over the meeting via IRC. Ewa Jodlowska prepared the minutes.

All votes are reported in the form "Y-N-A" (in favor-Y‚opposed-N‚abstentions-A; e.g. "5-1-2" means "5 in favor, 1 opposed, and 2 abstentions").

1   Attendance

The following members of the Board of Directors (07 of 11) were present at the meeting: Van Lindberg, Brian Curtin, Jessica McKellar, Marc-Andre Lemburg, Selena Deckelmann, Nick Coghlan, and Kushal Das (intermittent activity, did not vote on every item). Also in attendance were Ewa Jodlowska (Secretary/Administrator) and Kurt Kaiser (Treasurer).

2   Minutes of Past Meetings

The 06 June 2014 Board meeting minutes were voted on and approved.

RESOLVED, that the PSF approve the minutes at as representing a true and accurate record of the June 06, 2014 meeting.

Approved, 5-0-1.

3   Votes Taken Between Meetings

There were no votes taken between the June 6th and June 20th meetings.

4   Votes Taken Over Email

There were no votes taken over email between the June 6th and June 20th meetings.

5   Reports

The next reports will be included in the minutes of the July 3rd meeting.

6   UNB Sain John Python Game Programming Camp

RESOLVED, that the Python Software Foundation grant $2,000 USD to The Department of Computer Science & Applied Statistics at UNB Saint John to help pay for the Student Trainer and Student Helper for Python Game Programming Camp (August 14-15, 2014)

Approved, 6-0-0.

7   Django Girls at EuroPython 2014

RESOLVED, that the Python Software Foundation grant 1,000 Euro to the Django Girls for attendees travel costs Django Girls at EuroPython 2014 in Berlin

Approved, 6–0-0.

8   2014 Teen Peru Python Camp

RESOLVED, that the Python Software Foundation grant $800 USD to the 2014 Teen Peru Python Camp to help cover the costs for food, and print ­outs

Approved, 7-0-0.

9   PyGotham Conference Grant

RESOLVED, that the Python Software Foundation grant $3,000 for PyGotham 2014, a regional Python conference, taking place on 16-17 August 2014 in New York, New York

Approved, 7-0-0.

10   2014/15 PSF Officers

RESOLVED that the Python Software Foundation appoint the following Officers:
  • President: Guido van Rossum
  • Chairman: Van Lindberg
  • Vice Chair/Chair-Elect: David Mertz
  • Vice Chair: Marc-Andre Lemburg, Lynn Root, Kushal Das
  • Secretary: Ewa Jodlowska
  • Treasurer: Kurt Kaiser
  • Communications: Brian Curtin
  • PyCon US Chair: Diana Clarke
  • Events Coordinator: Ewa Jodlowska

Approved, 7-0-0.

11   Other Business

  • The directors asked to get an updated PSF budget.
  • The directors asked to get an update on the project.

12   Adjournment

Van Lindberg adjourned the meeting at 13:50 GMT.