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PSF Meeting Minutes for Dec. 9, 2003

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<center> <h3>The Python Software Foundation <br>Minutes of Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors </h3> </center>

<p>December 9, 2003

<p>A regular meeting of the Python Software Foundation (the "PSF") Board of Directors was held over Internet Relay Chat at 18:00 GMT. Guido van Rossum, president of the Foundation and chairman of the Board, presided at the meeting.

<h4>1. Attendance</h4>

<p>The following members of the Board of Directors were present at the meeting: David Ascher, Jeremy Hylton, Marc-Andre Lemburg, Tim Peters, Guido van Rossum, and Thomas Wouters. A quorum was present. Neal Norwitz also participated in the meeting.

<h4>2. Reports</h4>

<p><a href="/psf/records/board/treasurer/2003-12/">Treasurer's Report</a> <p><a href="/psf/records/board/conference/2003-12/">Python Conference Committee Report</a>

<h4>3. PyCon</h4>

<p>The board discussed preparations for PyCon and concern about the apparent lack of activity among the organizers. Norwitz reported that registration is working. Ascher said that Steve Holden, the conference chair, could devote four hours per week to planning activities; others will need to help.

<h4>4. Sponsor membership</h4>

<p>The board voted to accept as a pending sponsor member, by a 5-1-1 vote.

<p>A few board members said they would like to encourage some companies that want to support to make donations instead of becoming sponsor members. The board agreed that the Public Support Committee should do more to encourage and recognize donations from non-member companies.

<p>Tim Peters moved that it is

<blockquote> RESOLVED, that the Foundation accepts Industrial Light &amp; Magic as a pending sponsor member. </blockquote>

<p>The motion passed unanimously (7-0-0).

<h4>5. PSF license</h4>

<p>Marc-Andre Lemburg reported on continuing efforts to revise the Python license. The board was in favor of making the Python license more generic. Lemburg said he would discuss it with Larry Rosen, who is doing other licensing work for the Foundation.

<h4>6. DNS transfer</h4>

<p>Wouters reported that the latest attempt to transfer ownership of the domain from the Corporation for National Research Initiatives (CNRI) to the Foundation failed. Norwitz said he would make another attempt today. He will also open an account with Verisign.

<h4>7. Reports in board minutes</h4>

<p>The board discussed several issues related to the minutes. It agreed on several conventions for writing minutes: Action items should be clearly marked in the minutes. Reports from officers and committees should be included in the minutes; personal information in the treasurer's report may need to be expunged. A link to the minutes should be sent to the psf-members list after the minutes are posted.

<h4>9. Adjournment</h4>

<p>There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.