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PSF Meeting Minutes for March 13, 2024

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Title: 2024-03-13 PSF Board Meeting Minutes Encoding: utf-8 Author: psf at Content-Type: text/x-rst

The Python Software Foundation
Minutes of a Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors

March 13, 2024

A regular meeting of the Python Software Foundation ("PSF") Board of Directors was held over Group Conference Call via phone and Internet Relay Chat/Slack beginning at 14:00 UTC, on March 13, 2024. Marisa Camacho took notes/minutes.

All votes are reported in the form "Y-N-A" (in favor-Y‚opposed-N‚abstentions-A; e.g. "5-1-2" means "5 in favor, 1 opposed, and 2 abstentions").

1   Attendance

The following members of the Board of Directors (10 of 12) were present at the meeting: Deb Nicholson, Dawn Wages, Tania Allard, Denny Perez, Cheuk Ting Ho, Christopher Neugebauer, Simon Willison, Jannis Leidel, KwonHan Bae, Georgi Ker

Marie Nordin (Community Communications Manager), Loren Crarey (Director of Resource Development), Mike Fiedler (PyPI Safety and Security Engineer), Ee W. Durbin III (Director of Infrastructure), Laura Graves (Senior Accountant), Olivia Sauls (Program Director, Marisa Camacho (Community Events Coordinator) were also in attendance.

2   Minutes of Past Meetings

Minutes from prior meeting February 14th, 2024:

RESOLVED, that the Python Software Foundation approve the minutes at as representing a true and accurate record of the February 14, 2024 meeting.

Approved, 9-0-1

3   Board and Staff Monthly Reports for March 2024

3.1   Deb Nicholson

  • Staffing:
    • Junior accounting role delayed
    • We are going to post a PyPI support role soon
    • We are going to post a PSF Infrastructure role soon
  • Community & Outreach
    • Staff worked on publishing a transparency piece on our Travel Grants
    • Planning for the 2024 Board Elections has begun
    • I have had several meetings with various stakeholders around PyPI's continued growth
      • How we should approach that from a community perspective
      • And from a staffing perspective
    • External Grants review is underway
  • Funding:
    • Looking at membership increase ideas
    • We appreciate board members who have provided ideas and contacts for potential new sponsors!
  • PyCon:
    • Working on outreach to Python/Python adjacent meet-ups that are near Pittsburgh
    • We could use your help to promote PyCon on social media!
  • ED Travel:
    • Attending Open Source con in Seattle next month
    • In the process of making plans for events to attend in the coming year.
  • Program and Policy Work:
    • Our first “mentoring of the mentors” session for the Core Devs took place this week!
    • Continuing to participate in policy discussions around open source issues in EU that could read on our work (Including: Standards Essential Patents, PLD, Data Act, etc)
    • Have also begun the process of planning our roadmap for preparing for a world where users must comply
    • Have been invited to Open Source Congress again (in China this year)

3.2   Oliva Sauls

  • PyCon US 2024 summit organization and planning
  • Launched PyCon US 2024 schedule and keynote speakers
  • Began working on PyCon US 2024 F&B
  • PyCon US 2024 hotel block negotiations
  • Attended Core Dev Sprint planning meeting
  • PyCon US 2024 travel grant communications
  • Began planning for PyCon US 2024 signage
  • Floor plan drafting and vendor communications
  • Covered PyCon US 2024 sponsorship tracking and booth assignments with Community Events Coordinator was out of office
  • Closed PyCon Us 2024 Hatchery CFP and began schedule/registration planning
  • Moderated and responded to pycon-reg and pycon-help
  • Attend weekly meeting with PyCon US Chair and Co-chair and core PyCon planning team

3.3   Loren Crarey

  • Presented on PyCon US to the Cleveland Python Meetup
  • Connected with the Python DIscord organizers to set up a role for PSF staff in the Discord and promote PyCon US
  • Correspondence and meetings with sponsors and potential sponsors
  • Sponsor contract negotiation
  • PyCon US sponsor benefit fulfillment
  • PyCon US support
  • External communications
  • Managing Community Communications Manager

3.4   Laura Graves

  • Ongoing accounting activities
  • Chaired Grants Work Group
    • Hosted first monthly Office Hours on Discord with Marie
    • Meeting with Carol Willing regarding DjangoCon Africa retrospective
    • Graphs for Deb re: grants program refresh
    • Discussing responses to complaints about grants program with Marie and Deb
  • Finance Committee Meeting Q4 2023
  • Fiscal Sponsorship
    • PyCascades meeting
    • North Bay Python Check In
    • Core Dev Sprint planning meeting
    • PyOhio meeting
  • Banking
    • Meeting with PNC on new payments platform
  • Meetings with accounting team regarding hiring support staff
  • PyCon 2024
    • Travel grant award decisions
    • Working with PSF staff on drafting a report on travel grants for 2024
  • Graphs and information for 2023 Annual Impact Report

3.5   Joe Carey

March report not provided.

3.6   Ee Durbin

March report not provided.

3.7   Phyllis Dobbs

March report not provided.

3.8   Mike Fiedler

  • Handled Inbound malware reports: 62
  • Resolution Time (average): 19h
  • Created Admin UI to review inbound reports
  • Invited known security researchers to participate in preview beta API reporting
  • Reviewed ActiveState changes to onboard another Trusted Publisher (OIDC)
  • Updated Admin interface for API Tokens (macaroons) introspection and Dependency Confusion
  • Updated test suite to be more robust
  • Handled coordinated disclosure and fix for low criticality email exposure inbound report
  • Completed permissions refactor - we can now explore further fine-grained permissions for specific actions
  • Explored pyramid_openapi3 plugin for PyPI API, updated for modernization
  • Routine maintenance, package upgrades, bug fixes

3.9   Seth Larson

March report not provided.

3.10   Marisa Camacho

March report not provided.

3.11   Marie Nordin

  • PyCon US
    • PSF Booth
    • Travel Grants transparency
    • Other comms support
  • Q1 2024 newsletter coordination
  • Sponsor communications benefits
  • Supporting D&I working group
  • Annual Impact Report -> now handed off to designer. Reviews next.
  • Fellows Working Group
    • Administration (first election for me!)
    • Light refresh
  • Board Election
  • Grants Working Group
    • Documentation
    • Office hours
    • Meetings with Carol Willing & Laura

3.12   Débora Azevedo

March report not provided.

3.13   Simon Wilson

  • COMMUNITY: Attended NICAR 2024 data journalism conference, huge amounts of Python going on there (training sessions, tool workshops and more). Plenty of Python hallway conversations too.
  • COMMUNITY: PyCon announced I’ll be giving a keynote there!
  • PSF: Started trying to find well-funded AI companies to sponsor PSF/PyCon

3.14   Jannis Leidel

March report not provided.

3.15   Kushal Das

March report not provided.

3.16   Dawn Wages

  • [PSF] Meeting with staff (ongoing)
  • [Community] Spoke at FOSS Backstage
  • [PSF] Exec team committee
  • [PSF] Meeting(s) with Deb
  • [PSF] Pan-African team meeting review action plan
  • [PSF] Strategic plan review from Board

3.17   Tania Allard

  • [PSF] - CoC working group: participate in async discussions and attend WG meetings
  • [PSF] - Participate in PSF board async discussions and attend board meetings
  • [COMMUNITY] - Documentation summit organisation for PyCon US
  • [COMMUNITY] - PyCon US Mentored Sprints organisation
  • [PYLADIES GC] - Participate in async discussions and attend GC meetings
  • [PYLADIES GC] - Organisation of Outstanding PyLadies award
  • [PYLADIES GC] - Financial reviews and travel grants review
  • [PyLADIES GC] - PyLadies auction organisation support

3.18   Denny Perez

  • PSF - PyCon US Booth Meeting
  • PSF - PyCon US Charlas discussions via Slack (T-shirts and Social media Design)
  • PSF - PyCon US - Mentoring community members accepting grants and How to book hotels)
  • PSF - PyLadies Con - Preparing Social media outreach (Videos will be posted weekly)
  • PSF - Content creation Spread the word about PSF.
  • COMMUNITY: PyLadies
    • PyLadies Montreal - Organizers Meeting (How to join the CoC program from PSF)
    • Pyladies en Español - Host “Casi Viernes con Pyladies” event
    • Prep. event “Women Techmakers using Python”
  • COMMUNITY: Python Chile - Organizers weekly meeting
  • COMMUNITY: Python Montreal - Organizers meeting (Prep. next workshop events)
  • COMMUNITY: PyCon Latam - Coordination and recruitment of new members
  • COMMUNITY: PyCascades 2024 - Organizers weekly meeting, Pyladies Panel coordination & Social media outreach.

3.19   KwonHan Bae

  • PSF - CoC WG
  • PSF - participated in board discussions via Slack and email
  • PSF - processing board office hours
  • PSF - attended board meeting
  • COMMUNITY : Research Reason of Reducing Python Using Company in Korea with interview of some CTO
  • COMMUNITY : PyCon PH 2024 speak ( PSF & Python Community ) & lightning Talk
  • COMMUNITY : PyCon PH 2024 Promote PSF, managing membership
  • COMMUNITY : Consult with PyCon India ( Koti Vellanki )
  • COMMUNITY : Consult with Philippines Cebu Python User Group ( Neriah "BJ" De Guzman Ato )
  • COMMUNITY : PyCon APAC Organize
  • COMMUNITY : PyCon APAC meetup
  • COMMUNITY : PyCon KR Organize
  • COMMUNITY : PyWebSymposium Organize ( Web Conference in Korea, will happen next week )

3.20   Georgi Ker

  • [PSF] PyCon PSF Booth Meeting
  • [PSF] D&I WG Meeting
  • [PSF] Finance Committee Meeting
  • [PSF] Preparing Documentation for PyConUS OX
  • [PSF] Design social media assets for PyConUS keynotes speakers release
  • [PSF] Prepare PyConUS OX platform, gathering volunteers for OX team, working on syncing schedule with
  • [PyLadies] Completed all post production videos of PyLadiesCon for YouTube release
  • [Community] PyPodcats post production

3.21   Cheuk Ting Ho

  • Serving the Grants and Counduct WG
  • Conduct WG - best practices guide for CoC
  • Attended Finance committee meeting
  • Participate at a panel at OSPOlogy
  • Organising Documentation Summit
  • PR to migrate the PyLadies static website to using Hugo framework

3.22   Christopher Neugebauer

March report not provided.

4   Work Group Reports

4.1   Code of Conduct

  • Nothing to report at this time.

4.2   Grants

  • See list of resolutions under “Votes Approved by Working Groups”

4.3   Sponsors

  • Nothing to report at this time.

4.4   Marketing

  • Nothing to report at this time.

4.5   Jobs

  • Of the 700 Job submissions created in March 2024:
    • 195 have status approved
    • 8 have status archived
    • 39 have status draft
    • 279 have status expired
    • 71 have status rejected
    • 87 have status removed
    • 21 have status review

4.6   Trademarks

  • Nothing to report

4.7   Fellows

  • Nothing to report

4.8   Packaging

  • Nothing to report

4.9   Infrastructure

  • Nothing to report

4.10   Scientific Python

  • Nothing to report

4.11   Diversity & Inclusion Work Group

  • Meeting on 7 March 2024
  • Review current WG members in March and reaching out to previous spontaneous candidates
  • Will be working on improving entrance and exit members process
  • Will continue community call initiatives
  • Preparation for the D&I panel discussion at PyCon US
  • New format fireside chat with community leaders from several regions EU, Africa, LATAM, APAC, NA

5   PSF Board Votes Approved by Email

RESOLVED, that the Python Software Foundation Board grant $11,000 USD to PyCon Italia 2024 taking place May 22-25, 2024 in Florence, Italy.

Approved; 12-0-0, 2024-01-16

6   Votes Approved by Working Groups

6.1   Grants

RESOLVED, that the Python Software Foundation Grants Work Group grant $2,000 USD to Python Pakistan taking place March 9, 2024 in Lahore, Pakistan.

Approved; 11-0-0, 2024-02-19

RESOLVED, that the Python Software Foundation Grants Work Group grant $3,375 USD to the PUG Ho Coding Bootcamp taking place in Ho, Ghana during 2024.

Approved; 8-0-0, 2024-02-23

RESOLVED, that the Python Software Foundation Grants Work Group grant $1,000 USD to the Prague Python Pizza event taking place February 24, 2024 in Prague, Czechia.

Approved; 8-0-0, 2024-02-23

RESOLVED, that the Python Software Foundation Grants Work Group grant $5,750 USD to PyTexas 2024 taking place April 19-21, 2024 in Austin, TX, United States.

Approved; 9-0-0, 2024-02-27

RESOLVED, that the Python Software Foundation grant $400 USD via Director's Allowance to the Django Girls Maputo event taking place March 23, 2024 in Maputo, Mozambique.

Approved via Director’s Allowance, 2024-02-28

RESOLVED, that the Python Software Foundation Grants Work Group grant $4,400 USD to Python Nordeste taking place August 9-11, 2024 in Natal, Brazil.

Approved; 9-0-0, 2024-03-04

RESOLVED, that the Python Software Foundation Grants Work Group grant $150 USD to the Django Girls Workshop taking place remotely on May 4, 2024.

Approved; 8-0-0, 2024-03-06

RESOLVED, that the Python Software Foundation Grants Work Group grant $4,000 USD to Django Girls Ecuador for Django Girls events taking place in Cuenca, Loja, Guayaquil, and Quito from April to October, 2024.

Approved; 8-0-0, 2024-03-12

6.2   Sponsors

  • None at this time.

6.3   Scientific Python

  • None at this time.

8   New Business

  • The PSF discussed Leonard Richardson for a PSF Community Service Award,“As founder and maintainer of the web-scraping library Beautiful Soup , and as author of its detailed documentation, Richardson is the driving force behind a popular and useful open source tool that is one of the most frequently used libraries in the entire Python ecosystem. For twenty years, he has maintained, documented, and improved Beautiful Soup, and provided support to its users, almost entirely in his volunteer time. Since Beautiful Soup is the first library many Python novices use, Richardson's tireless efforts have included patiently responding to many Python newcomers who submit bug reports that are caused by their own flawed code.

    Approved; 10-0-0, 2024-03-13

  • The PSF discussed Lais Cavalho for a PSF Community Service Award, “[nominator] wants to nominate Laís Carvalho for a Community Service Award. She has been a committee member of Python Ireland since 2019 and volunteer organiser of EuroPython since 2020 (the first online edition) and co-organiser of Pyjamas (a Python conference where you can present wearing pajamas) and developer advocate and she now serves on the EuroPython Society Board.”

    Approved; 10-0-0, 2024-03-13

  • The PSF discussed Raquel Dou for a PSF Community Service Award, “As noted in her nomination as a PSF Fellow, Raquel spent 3 years as a EuroPython society board member, and then the past two years (2022 and 2023) she was the chair of the EuroPython society. Racquel did a lot of work as a board member, but as chair, she was absolutely superhuman, both in the time she spent on conference details, as well as the time spent mentoring and building community. [nominator] worked with her quite a bit the last two years, as a CoC work group member, in organizing Trans*Code, helping with keynotes, and as a general advisor. [nominator] was immensely impressed by her thoughtfulness and humanity as well as her efficiency as an organizer.”

    Approved; 10-0-0, 2024-03-13

9   Discussions

  • The board discussed dates for the Board Election and proposed the first meeting and board retreat
  • The board reviewed 2023 Financial Statements
  • The board discussed updated on the transparency of grants showing data and grants
  • The board reviewed sponsorship updates

Meeting adjourned at 16:05 UTC.