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Changes to PSF Bylaws for the March 2009 Members' Meeting

The changes made in the proposed revisions can be summarized as follows:

  1. Explicitly allow for electronic meetings and electronic signing.
  2. Fix some procedural problems like needing officers for committees, and some notice requirements or requirements for holding next board or members meetings that were too short in time.
  3. Change sponsor members so they are voting members only optionally, if they designate a voting representative.
  4. Allow levels of sponsors (to be set by the board), and don't allow sponsors to become emeritus. This is designed to reflect what most sponsors do/want, and to be more realistic about what happens to companies across buy-outs, reorganizations, and as people come and go.
  5. Automatically convert non-active members to emeritus status, and easily allow conversion back to active nominated status. This is so we don't have to do a lot of membership management work, and so we don't run into a state where we cannot reach quorum.
  6. Clarify "record date" stuff which was very convoluted as far as defining who was entitled to notice and/or voting at a meeting.
  7. Don't allow non-voting members to get lists of member contact info and make the provisions for providing such lists more reasonable.
  8. Miscellaneous other clarifications.

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