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Python Software Foundation: Python Conference Committee Report (December 2003)

<center> <h3>The Python Software Foundation <br>Python Conference Committee Report </h3> </center>

<p>December 2003

<p>David Ascher reports that he and Steve Holden had a phone call, and Ascher, Holden, Jeremy Hylton, Neal Norwitz, and Itamar Shtull-Trauring met on IRC.

<h3>Deadlines</h3> <ul>

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<li> Jan 15th is the deadline for paper submission. <li> Dec 15th is the deadline for the paper submission site to be up

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and running
<li> Feb 1 is the deadline for the PC to have decided on the

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accepted/rejected papers </ul>

<p>Action items: Jeremy should make sure the websites get updated w/ this info, and Steve should probably send out an update to the lists.

<h3>Paper Submission process</h3>

<p>Andrew Kuchling has a Quixote-based system which is up and running on It is currently being tweaked, but should be operational before the end of the week.

<p>Things that Andrew needs to do before Dec 15. Action items: <ul>

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<li> paper download (upload may work or not, it's hard to tell!) <li> minor tweaks <li> setting up backup <li> linking w/ other relevant sites

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<p>NOTE: we'll be using the <a href="">"Identify the Champion"</a> method for running the paper selection process.

<p>Program committee so far: <ul> <li> Christopher Blunck [blunck _at_] <li> David Ascher <li> Jeremy Hylton <li> Brett Cannon <li> Aahz <li> Steve Holden <li> Garry Hodgson [garry _at_] <li> Pat Miller [patmiller _at_] <li> Sylvia Candelaria de Ram [cognite _at_] <li> George Belotsky [questions _at_] <li> Itamar Shtull-Trauring [itamar _at_] </ul>

<p>Action item: Steve Holden will setup a mailing list for the PC.


<p>David is in charge of sponsorship. David has received lists of contacts from various folks. Action item: David will come up with a sponsorship 'menu' and contact possible sponsors before Dec 15.

<h3> PR </h3>

<p>Nothing to report -- not seen as a priority given the conference. Nobody owns this AFAIK (Dan Arico has expressed interest though).

<h3> Website </h3>

<p>Jeremy 'owns' the web and will coordinate the efforts of various folks (Aahz, Trevor, pydotorg).

<h3> Sprints </h3>

<p>Jeremy reports: <ul>

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<li> Strong commitments for Zope 2, Zope 3, PyPy, and Twisted. <li> Interest for C++ integration, .NET, Chandler, Mac Python, xml-sig and spambayes

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