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PSF Annual Report

The Python Software Foundation is proud to launch our first ever Annual Report. We understand the need for transparency and hope to help our community and stakeholders find necessary information about the PSF in a single place. 2018 was a year of growth for the PSF while still focussing on sustainability for our staff and community. We’re excited to share these data points with you!

Our staff team increased by two full-time employees in 2018. We hired a Director of Infrastructure to lead much needed improvements to our internal systems, assist our community with PSF hosted services, and support the Python core developers with their infrastructure needs. As PyCon continues to grow and require additional resources, we’re happy to have hired an Event Manager to work on PyCon year round. Both new employees are very familiar with our community and PyCon so we do not doubt that they will have positive impacts within our community for many years to come.

In 2018 we spent additional efforts on strengthening our trademarks. Since "PyCon" is a trademark of the PSF, we want to ensure that anywhere PyCon is happening, the trademark is protected. Our general counsel has helped us register the word mark in many places including 30 Countries/Jurisdictions covered by the International Trademark treaty as well as Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Hong Kong, Malaysia, South Africa, Taiwan, Uruguay, and Venezuela.

We strengthened our Fiscal Sponsorship Program, which we offer to projects that align with our mission. Since all of the projects are run by volunteers, the finance and accounting support we provide them through this program eases the amount of work they have to put in on their own time. We are now in a better place to support regional conferences such as PyCascades and development such as the Pallets group, which maintains projects such as Flask and Jinja.

Our Grants Program continues to support Python events all over the world! Not only does our Grants Program help us engage newcomers, it also helps us create a diverse community. In 2018 approximately $324,000 was paid in grants to recipients in 51 different countries. We awarded $59,804 more in grants in 2018 than 2017, a 22.6% increase in our global community support in just one year.

We’re pleased to continue to support our community and we make an effort to listen to what our community needs and improve the support we provide. Even though we cannot attend to everyone’s needs in one attempt, we will continue to address what our community needs and introduce new ways to support the growth of Python.

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Ewa Jodlowska

Executive Director

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Naomi Ceder

Board Chairperson

Consolidated Financial Statement



REVENUE 2017 2018
Program Service Revenue $2,373,000 $2,601,000
Contributions, Membership Dues, and Grants $509,000 $515,000
Other Revenue $1,000 $1,000
Total Revenue $2,883,000 $3,117,000
EXPENSE 2017 2018
Program Service Expenses $1,976,000 $2,132,000
Staffing $377,000 $464,000
Insurance $16,000 $50,000
Legal $54,000 $97,000
Other Expenses $59,000 $72,000
Total Expense $2,352,000 $2,597,000
NET INCOME $531,000 $520,000
ASSETS 2017 2018
Cash and Cash Equivalents $2,510,000 $3,036,000
Accounts Receivable - Net $319,000 $419,000
Other Current Assets $460,000 $72,000
Total Assets $3,290,000 $3,527,000

Deferred Revenue $563,000 $953,000
Accounts Payable and Other Liabilities $467,000 $18,000
Total Liabilities $1,029,000 $971,000
NET ASSETS 2017 2018
Unrestricted Net Assets $2,049,000 $2,480,000
Temporarily Restricted Net Assets $212,000 $76,000
Total Net Assets $2,261,000 $2,556,000

Program Service Expenses

Total Program Service Expenses $2,132,000

Grants by Continent

The PSF continued supporting Python conferences, workshops, and other events around the world.

  • 25% North America
  • 24% Europe
  • 8% Asia
  • 15% South America
  • 26% Africa
  • 2% Australia

Grants by Year

Grants spending increased 48% between 2015 and 2018 including supporting more regional PyCons and doubling awards to PyLadies and Django Girls workshops.

Growth of Assets by Year

The PSF will continue to research diversifying revenue streams, hiring additional staff, and improving our fundraising efforts, which will all affect future financials. We would like to continue to improve the services we provide to the community, expand our programs, and better support developers. We also need to consider risk mitigating factors such as having diverse revenue streams instead of heavily relying on PyCon and a financial reserve of at least 1.5 years (in operating costs). This will help ensure the PSF’s viability for the long run.

To read more about what the PSF has been doing in 2019, check out our detailed write up.

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