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Nominee for 2023 Python Software Foundation Board Election

Paolo Melchiorre

  • Previous Board Service: New board member
  • Employer: 20tab
  • Other Affiliations: Python Italia (member), PyCon Italia (co-organizer), Django Software Foundation (member), Python Pescara (founder and organizer), Django Girls (coach and organizer), DjangoItalia group (member), Django Italian translations group (admin), Jazzband (member)
  • Nominee Statement:

      I’ve been a Python developer and member of the Python community for more than 15 years, in which I’ve contributed to various Python-based projects (e.g. Python, Plone, Django, Psycopg, Pelican) in different areas: documentation, code, project website and translation (eg. Italian). I’ve presented a lot of Python talks in meetups and conferences, including PyCon (US, IT, DE, LK), DjangoCon (US, EU), EuroPython, and others. I've organized a local Python meetup in my hometown in Italy, helped organize PyCon Italia, and volunteered in some Pythonic conferences. I’ve organized and participated in many sprints on Python-based frameworks (es: Zope, Plone, Django). I’ve written many articles on Python and Django and I’m a promoter of them online. I participated as a coach in DjangoGirls workshops and I’ve organized one in my city.

      Each of these activities has made me grow as a developer, community member, and human being and I think serving on the PSF board can be a way to give back to the Python community what I have received.

      As a member of the PSF board, I’d like to bring a different point of view, close to newcomers, who live and work in small realities and who do not speak English as their first language or do not speak it at all. I’d like to work to remove some language and cultural barriers that still remain for some members of the community.

      I’d like to increase collaboration with the Python community and create synergies with other sub-communities to make Python grow again in different fields (eg. organizing sprints with friendly communities to discuss or work on common projects (e.g. discuss ASGI with Django, Flask, Starlette, FastAPI or DB-API with SQLAlchemy, Django ORM, SQLModel, Peewee).