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Python 3.12.0b2

Release Date: June 6, 2023

This is a beta preview of Python 3.12

Python 3.12 is still in development. This release, 3.12.0b2 is the second of four beta release previews of 3.12.

Beta release previews are intended to give the wider community the opportunity to test new features and bug fixes and to prepare their projects to support the new feature release.

We strongly encourage maintainers of third-party Python projects to test with 3.12 during the beta phase and report issues found to the Python bug tracker as soon as possible. While the release is planned to be feature complete entering the beta phase, it is possible that features may be modified or, in rare cases, deleted up until the start of the release candidate phase (Monday, 2023-07-31). Our goal is to have no ABI changes after beta 4 and as few code changes as possible after 3.12.0rc1, the first release candidate. To achieve that, it will be extremely important to get as much exposure for 3.12 as possible during the beta phase.

Please keep in mind that this is a preview release and its use is not recommended for production environments.

Major new features of the 3.12 series, compared to 3.11

Some of the new major new features and changes in Python 3.12 are:

  • New type annotation syntax for generic classes (PEP 695).
  • More flexible f-string parsing, allowing many things previously disallowed (PEP 701).
  • Even more improved error messages. More exceptions potentially caused by typos now make suggestions to the user.
  • Many large and small performance improvements (like PEP 709).
  • Support for the Linux perf profiler to report Python function names in traces.
  • The deprecated wstr and wstr_length members of the C implementation of unicode objects were removed, per PEP 623.
  • In the unittest module, a number of long deprecated methods and classes were removed. (They had been deprecated since Python 3.1 or 3.2).
  • The deprecated smtpd and distutils modules have been removed (see PEP 594 and PEP 632. The setuptools package continues to provide the distutils module.
  • A number of other old, broken and deprecated functions, classes and methods have been removed.
  • Invalid backslash escape sequences in strings now warn with SyntaxWarning instead of DeprecationWarning, making them more visible. (They will become syntax errors in the future.)
  • The internal representation of integers has changed in preparation for performance enhancements. (This should not affect most users as it is an internal detail, but it may cause problems for Cython-generated code.)
  • (Hey, fellow core developer, if a feature you find important is missing from this list, let Thomas know.)

For more details on the changes to Python 3.12, see What's new in Python 3.12. The next pre-release of Python 3.12 will be 3.12.0b3, currently scheduled for 2023-06-19.

More resources

And now for something completely different

I forgot how lush and electrified
it was with you. The shaggy
fragrant zaps continually passing
back and forth, my fingertip
to your clavicle, or your wrist
rubbing mine to share gardenia
oil. We so purred like dragonflies
we kept the mosquitoes away
and the conversation was heavy,
mother-lacerated childhoods
and the sad way we'd both
been both ignored and touched
badly. Knowing that being
fierce and proud and out and
loud was just a bright new way
to be needy. Please listen to me, oh
what a buzz! you're the only one
I can tell. Even with no secret,
I could come close to your ear
with my mouth and that was
ecstasy, too. We barely touched
each other, we didn't have to
speak. The love we made leapt
to life like a cat in the space
between us (if there ever was
space between us), and looked
back at us through fog. Sure,
this was San Francisco, it was
often hard to see. But fog always
burned off, too, so we watched
this creature to see if it knew
what it was doing. It didn't.

Gay Pride Weekend, S.F., 1992, by Brenda Shaughnessy.


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XZ compressed source tarball Source release 7631011aa48961f5dc0e72a9117b7937 19.3 MB SIG .sigstore
macOS 64-bit universal2 installer macOS for macOS 10.9 and later d7460b53167b192de91164b0d4c808af 41.9 MB SIG .sigstore
Windows installer (64-bit) Windows Recommended e8d757375445abdd9db5182d50c74b79 24.5 MB SIG .sigstore
Windows installer (32-bit) Windows 38c1e36758c7c86f367588d0e2643f30 23.3 MB SIG .sigstore
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