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Python 3.4.0 Release Candidate 3 Release

Python 3.4.0 release candidate 3

Note: Python 3.4.0rc3 has been superseded by Python 3.4.9.

Python 3.4.0 release candidate 3 was released on March 9th, 2014. This is a preview release of the next major release of Python, Python 3.4, and is not suitable for production environments.

Major new features of the 3.4 series, compared to 3.3

Python 3.4 includes a range of improvements of the 3.x series, including hundreds of small improvements and bug fixes. Among the new major new features and changes in the 3.4 release series are

  • PEP 428, a "pathlib" module providing object-oriented filesystem paths
  • PEP 435, a standardized "enum" module
  • PEP 436, a build enhancement that will help generate introspection information for builtins
  • PEP 442, improved semantics for object finalization
  • PEP 443, adding single-dispatch generic functions to the standard library
  • PEP 445, a new C API for implementing custom memory allocators
  • PEP 446, changing file descriptors to not be inherited by default in subprocesses
  • PEP 450, a new "statistics" module
  • PEP 451, standardizing module metadata for Python's module import system
  • PEP 453, a bundled installer for the pip package manager
  • PEP 454, a new "tracemalloc" module for tracing Python memory allocations
  • PEP 456, a new hash algorithm for Python strings and binary data
  • PEP 3154, a new and improved protocol for pickled objects
  • PEP 3156, a new "asyncio" module, a new framework for asynchronous I/O


This is a preview release, and its use is not recommended in production settings.

Please proceed to the download page for the download.

Notes on this release:

  • The final release is scheduled for a week after this release, and it is anticipated that there will be few (if any) changes to Python 3.4.0 between this release and the final release.
  • The binaries for AMD64 will also work on processors that implement the Intel 64 architecture. (Also known as the "x64" architecture, and formerly known as both "EM64T" and "x86-64".) They will not work on Intel Itanium Processors (formerly "IA-64").
  • There is important information about IDLE, Tkinter, and Tcl/Tk on Mac OS X here.