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Making our new website and admin work together using Python

Our charity, Breathworks, which runs mindfulness-based pain management courses, recently got a new website, which was fabulous, because our old site looked terribly out of date and wasn't mobile friendly.

Unfortunately, the new website had no way of integrating with the software we use to keep track of customer data (CRM - Customer Relations Management software), upon which so much of our admin depends. It was looking like we'd have to either pay the website developers thousands of pounds to create a custom solution for us, to spend hours manually transferring data from the new site to our CRM, or to just keep using the out of date payment system from the old website.

Fortunately, somebody in the team knows a little coding, and was able to use Python to write a program that downloaded the information from the new site and upload it into the correct places on the CRM almost instantaneously!