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Building the PSF: the Q2 2019 Fundraiser

Help us raise $60,000 USD by June 30th!

Goal: $60,000
$67,676 Raised
Days to Go

Something new this year - the PSF and JetBrains!

This year we're trying something new. In addition to our quarterly donation drive, we're partnering with JetBrains to help raise money for the PSF. JetBrains PyCharm & the PSF is happy to announce a 30% discount with all proceeds going to the Python Software Foundation's general fund! Check out their offer here.

It's easy to donate

  • Click here to make a one-time or recurring donation.
  • If you’re an existing PSF Supporting Member and would like to make your support recurring, log into your account and click “Auto-Renewal”.
  • If you’re an existing Supporting Member and would like to support the PSF beyond your $99 annual fee, use this donation page to select an additional one-time or monthly donation.
  • If you'd like to join the PSF, click here to become a Supporting Member and optionally make a one-time donation.

Donations are tax-deductible for individuals and organizations that pay taxes in the United States

Thank you for investing in the Python community by donating! The PSF is the central source of funds and resources for furthering the development and adoption of Python. As a non-profit organization, the PSF depends on sponsorships and donations for our revenue that supports sprints, meetups, community events, Python documentation, fiscal sponsorships, software development, and community projects. We can’t do any of this without your support.

Your donations have IMPACT

Here is a link to our first Annual Report that will show you just a few ways your support has made a difference, thanks to the generous support from our partners and friends.

  • Over $137,200 was awarded in financial aid to 143 PyCon attendees in 2019.
  • $324,000 was paid in grants to recipients in 51 different countries.
  • Donations and fundraisers resulted in $489,152 of revenue. This represents 15% of our total 2018 revenue. PSF and PyCon sponsors contributed over $1,071K in revenue!

Some examples of how your donation dollars are spent:

  • $20,000 = 11 Python conferences, impacting over 3,000 people globally
  • $20,000 = ~25 hands-on workshops impacting over 700 people
  • $10,000 = user group meetup fees for 150 groups around the world for 6 months
  • $5,000 = hosting for 3-4 PSF community web services for a year(e.g.,,
  • $2,000 = support for 2 regional conferences, impacting over 500 people
  • $99 = 6 months of Python meetup subscriptions
  • $60 a month ($2.00 a day) = one workshop, impacting over 250 people

How the Donation Works

If you wish to use a credit card, once on the PayPal site click the link "Don't have a PayPal account?", which will take you to a credit card form. A PayPal account is not required.

For your security, this website and the PSF do not acquire or retain any of your credit card data. It is all handled by PayPal.

Following the transaction, you will receive both a PayPal receipt and/or our formal acknowledgment of your tax-deductible (USA) donation.

Please whitelist and check your spam bins if you don't receive the acknowledgment from the PSF.

We appreciate a minimum donation of $20.

Payments are processed by PayPal but may be made either through your existing PayPal account or your credit card. You will choose your payment method after you are transferred to the PayPal server.

About the PSF

The Python Software Foundation is a non-profit organization entirely supported by its sponsor members and the public. Our mission is to further the development of the Python language and its applications.