from the Python User Group Calendar
Past Events
PyLadies Amsterdam: Introduction to Data Storytelling
Python New Zealand: GNSS Reflectivity to map inner hurricane wind speeds from space
London Algorithmic Trading: How to code, configure and deploy a Market Making bot
London, UK
PyLadies Amsterdam: LLMs in Action: How Scans, Detects, and Monitors Fake and Unsafe Content
Amsterdam, The Netherlands and Online
Django Girls Parnaíba 2024
IFPI - Instituto Federal do Piauí - Campus Parnaíba, Avenida Monsenhor Antonio Sampaio, S/N. Bairro Dirceu Arcoverde. Parnaíba-PI. CEP: - Dirceu Arcoverde, Parnaíba - PI, 64211-145, Brazil
Python Ireland Monthly Meetup
Dublin, Ireland