[Tutor] First try

Mats Wichmann mats at wichmann.us
Mon Nov 15 14:14:23 EST 2021

On 11/15/21 03:05, Asbjørn Bakken via Tutor wrote:
> Hi there,
> I am brand-new to python. In my younger days I did some programming in Fortran and Cobolt (ages ago) but it is all lost. So I started out with Python for Kids for dummies.It worked nice on my macpro untill I upgraded to the latest IOS 12.0.1. Useing 2.7 (continued to work) but IDLE went in black (useless).
> All because 2.7 is no longer supported?
> Anything I can do or must I jump to latest version of Python?

don't use the built-in Python on macOS.

There are several ways to get a usable Python3 onto the Mac, not least 
of which is grabbing an installer from python.org.

As Alan surmised, there was indeed a problem that broke tk, which breaks 
the binding tkinter, which IDLE is built on.   There's a lengthy thread 
on the Python bugtracker and elsewhere on this, and I believe new 
installers were issued which let IDLE work on 12.x - I think it's a 
workaround for now, until tk itself gets fixed - but the tk folks can't 
fix the one that's pre-installed on macOS, just the version that will be 
bundled with new Python installers.

some notes here:


and the general page may be useful too:


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