[Tutor] Request of Help about pymatch

Nelson Pigossi Jr npigossi at gmail.com
Sun Jul 26 10:22:48 EDT 2020

Laura, can you send a sample of your code and some test data?

Nelson Pigossi Jr
npigossi at gmail.com
npigossi at mac.com

> On 25 Jul 2020, at 14:51, laura marchesini <laura.marchesini at gmail.com> wrote:
> Good Morning to everyone,
> I am Laura, a student at University in Economics and Finance. I am writing
> my Master thesis using Python and I am facing some problems with pymatch..
> I would be very grateful if You could give me a hint to solve this
> particular issue.
> I am performing Propensity Score Matching with pymatch, in particular
> matching companies of two different groups according to three variables.
> One of these (Sales) is wrongly recognized by Python as many dummies as
> many values of the variable itself. The other 2 variables are correctly
> recognized as continuous variables. When I call m.X I see thousands of
> sales variables, instead of one single column with values for each company.
> I used the same code before for another group of data, and it worked well,
> so I am not understanding what is not wrong here....
> Could You please help me?? That would mean much for me,
> Thank You for the attention,
> Laura
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