[Tutor] Request of Help about pymatch

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at yahoo.co.uk
Sat Jul 25 19:07:07 EDT 2020

On 25/07/2020 18:51, laura marchesini wrote:

> my Master thesis using Python and I am facing some problems with pymatch..
> I would be very grateful if You could give me a hint to solve this
> particular issue.

We can try but I must start with the caveat hat this list is for
folks learning Python language and its standard library. For
questions about 3rd party libraries - like pymatch - you are
usually better off asking on their support fora or by contacting
the author.

I note that pymatch has a web site and the author is on Facebook,
so you might be able to contact him in that way.

That having been said, we can try to help.

> One of these (Sales) is wrongly recognized by Python as many dummies as
> many values of the variable itself. The other 2 variables are correctly
> recognized as continuous variables. When I call m.X I see thousands of
> sales variables, instead of one single column with values for each company.

Some code might help?
And any error messages would definitely help, although it sounds
like that's not really the issue here.

Alternatively some input/output data samples would be helpful - the
minimal amount needed to show the issue.

Bear in mind that we are not experts in your domain. Our expertise
is in programming with python. so you need to explain your data
and what should/should not be matched and why that is so.

But without code/data we can only make wild stabs at what might be wrong.

> I used the same code before for another group of data, and it worked well,
> so I am not understanding what is not wrong here....

Maybe sharing that would help too?

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
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