[Tutor] building a website with python

Walter Prins wprins at gmail.com
Wed Apr 10 00:06:21 CEST 2013

Hello Benjamin,

On 9 April 2013 22:31, Benjamin Fishbein <bfishbein79 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello. I learned Python this past year (with help from many of you) and
> wrote many programs for my small business. Now I want to build a website. I
> acquired the domain name through godaddy.com (bookchicken.com) but have
> not found hosting yet.
> I learned html, css, and javascript via codeacademy.org, but have never
> built a website.
> I would like to build it with Python, and was wondering if you could give
> me some pointers about what I need to learn first: Django is the thing to
> use? And do I need specific hosting to use python or are all hosts
> basically the same.

Django is good but arguably big and a bit intimidating if you're starting
out.  There are many alternatives, from so called "micro" frameworks like
"bottle" (which is implemented in a single Python file) to CherryPy to
Flask.  Personally, I'd suggest having a look at Web2Py.  It's not quite as
heavy as Django but very capable nonetheless.  It also deploys easily,
including to Google App Engine and elsewhere, and includes a very capable
Admin interface that also includes a basic IDE, thus allowing you to tweak
the site right from within the site should you have the need. Here's a nice
little presentation about Web2Py:
... and a tutorial to get you going:

Not all web hosts are the same -- you need to ensure you have Python
available with the host you use.  There are dedicated Python hosts out
there.  (PythonAnywhere comes to mind.)  As a slightly different
possibility, you might consider running your own virtual host in the cloud.
 You would need to learn a bit about administering a server box, but this
route does give you the ultimate control over your website and environment.
 Here's a link to Rackspace with which I've had good experiences thus far
for your review:

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