[Tutor] breeds of Python .....

Barry Drake bdrake at crosswire.org
Sun Apr 1 13:29:18 CEST 2012

On 01/04/12 12:03, Leam Hall wrote:
>  For that path I'd agree that Python 3 is the way to go. I believe
>  PyGame is Python 3 ready so you've got an automatic hook for the kids.
>  Heck, probably many of their parents as well!
>  Check out the book "More Python programming for the absolute beginner"
>  as it teaches Python and PyGame at the same time.

I've played around with PyGame on Python2 - hadn't realised it was ready
for Python3 yet.  It's just the kind of thing that would have sparked my
son off when he was a kid.  He wrote hundreds of lines in the rather
dumb Basic that the Speccy used in the olden days, and guess what - when
he went to uni, his degree was in computer science!  I really hated
Basic, and programmed in Z80 assembler until I met with c and learned
how much fun programming could really be.  Python is even more fun.

I was a bit taken aback a few years later when my son left his job as
sys-admin for a big firm.  He said that the work was a job for a
twenty-year old whiz-kid.  He was more interested in how business
works.  He now charges an absolute fortune as a freelance consultant.

Kind regards,        Barry

 From Barry Drake - a member of the Ubuntu advertising team.

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