[Tutor] breeds of Python .....

Barry Drake bdrake at crosswire.org
Sun Apr 1 17:26:43 CEST 2012

On 01/04/12 12:03, Leam Hall wrote:
> I believe PyGame is Python 3 ready so you've got an automatic hook for 
> the kids. Heck, probably many of their parents as well!

PyGame is available for Python3 but not pre-built from the Ubuntu or 
Debian repos as far as I can see.  I got the source from the PyGame site 
and built it.  Note that the required c headers to build it are not in 
the standard install of Python3, so I had to get the matching source 
package and manually put the headers into the appropriate place.  After 
that, it seems to build and work OK, and the PyGame examples are fun and 
helpful.  I now await my Raspberry-pi to see what stuff I can run on 
it.  I assume it comes with Python3 in the bootable Fedora OS.  By the 
time it comes, I thinnk I'll have found my way around Python to a usable 

Regards,        Barry.

 From Barry Drake - a member of the Ubuntu advertising team.

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