[Tutor] geeks like us and the rest of THEM

Andrei project5 at redrival.net
Sat Mar 3 13:40:05 CET 2007

> That's part of it. a good installer is another, and I am loo]king at a 
> couple.  A solid and drool-proof server is the remaining leg of the 
> tripod. So far, none of the servers I have seen are satisfactory on all 
> scores- simplicity to install, reliability, economy of cost, (free or 
> unlimited license to me for a modest fee) and ease to configure if the 
> use\r so wishes. the closest I have yet seen SMALL HTTP SERVER. And it 
> is very good.
> http://smallsrv.com/

You could have a look at Aprelium's Abyss server (X1, which is freely 
distributable in unmodified form IIRC, but closed source). It has a good 
looking webbased configuration console and is cross-platform if you ever 
need that. However, you'll probably end up digging in its config 
programmatically to set up paths and such for the user - shouldn't be 
too hard using some webscraping if the files are not readily modifiable. 
Its setup is about 350 kB.

In terms of installers, NSIS (with the package to make it look modern, 
instead of that awful default look - forgot its name) or InnoSetup are 
the usual suspects. NSIS has a smaller overhead, but an uglier language.



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