[Tutor] miniwiki 1.3.0 beta now available

Kirk Bailey deliberatus at verizon.net
Sun Mar 4 05:36:06 CET 2007

Anyone who had trouble downloading the file, try again, there was a 
problem in the server which is now fixed.

Kirk Bailey wrote:
> May The Gods have mercy on my soul.
> MiniWiki is now offered for downloading. 1.3.0 is not in presentable 
> condition for them what would like to kick it around some.
> http://www.tinylist.org/MiniWIKI130.zip
> Included in it is the zip archive for the server I settled on which is a 
> very nice little tool I have yet to break regardless of how I stick my 
> thumbs in it's eye. Robust is an understatement, it is bulletproof. 
> Alas, it will NOT parse ssi includes, but WILL support scripts with 
> environment data and go retreived specified interpeters declared in the 
> shebang line, so it's not so terrible. It is free PERIOD, even if 
> included in commercial releases, as long as you credit the authors- 
> well, I included everything they released, including source code, so go 
> for it.
> My zip file includes subdirectories and seedpages. One should create a 
> folder such as 'c:\localhost', place the zip in it, and unpack it there. 
> you will get \www, \cgi-bin, \cgi-bin\texts, www\images, and several 
> files in the texts directory.
> If I got this thing to zip up properly. sheesh. I'm going to bed.

	-Kirk Bailey
          | BOX |


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