[Tutor] Paramstyle/sql injection [was Python CGI Script]

Danny Yoo dyoo at hkn.eecs.berkeley.edu
Thu Sep 21 04:06:58 CEST 2006

> Was talking to my partner about this. He's a perl programmer, and he 
> told me that (if I understood him correctly) that the programmer is 
> required by perl to use the 'prepare' function in the perl DBI prior to 
> sending a select statement.

Hi Tim,

Yes.  That being said, Perl's prepare() statement is no guarantee to safe 
code.  It leaves one to face interpolation temptation:

     ## Perl
     my $sth = $dbh->prepare("delete from some_table where

is just as dangerous as:

     ## Python
     cursor = conn.cursor()
     cursor.execute("delete from some_table where name = '%s'" %

The lesson is that, in the absence of some automated lint-like tool 
support that can tell us "no you silly, don't do that", we humans are 
going to have to pick up the slack.  We can write bad code in pretty much 
any language.  Programmer education is something we need to do until then.

Most of the developer communities around these languages have been around 
long enough to understand this common risk of SQL injection.  In summary: 
if we're going to work with databases, we should use prepared statements 
unless we have a very good reason not to.

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