[Tutor] Python and Gecko

Sebastian Smith accelerateddevelopment at gmail.com
Wed Sep 20 18:57:01 CEST 2006

Hello All!

I am not a Python expert at all but I am learning when I have time. I
am currently working my way through 'wxPython in Action' and really
liking it, I have been using Learning to Program as my central text.

Anyway, I was wondering if there is anyway to use the Mozilla Gecko
engine in Python? Or the KHTML engine would be okay as well. Basically
I would like to be able to fully render web pages inside a wxPython

I wrote a brutally simple web browser using wxPython (25 lines, not
including imported modules) and after I posted it on my blog I was
slammed with traffic (36,000+ hits in 48 hours, my hosting company was
very, very upset).

 The rendering this browser acheives is just HTML with no support for
CSS or any other fancy stuff, this is why I would like to try it with
a proper rendering engine.

I put the browser up on Google Code to save my bandwidth:


Any advice or help from the pyGuru's would be greatly appreciated.
There does seem to be some interest in this sort of thing (which
surprised me).

Thank you all,


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