[Tutor] Python book question

alan.gauld@bt.com alan.gauld@bt.com
Mon Mar 24 12:50:13 2003

> are other books out there. Is it even worth it investing in a book ?
> I'm not much of a book collector or reader, so what you guys suggest ?

As an author of one such book I'd say the answer lies in your last comment.
If you don't use books much then don't bother. Most of the info you need 
either comes with Python or is available online. If you are happy reading 
that way then carry on. My tutor, the official tutor, Dive into Python, 
the cookbook, the various HowTos and specialist papers etc... Its all 
there for free, it just needs researching.

OTOH If you like the feel of paper and find that easier to read then 
there are several good books around and a search of the list archives 
will throw up many suggestions.

Whichever you choose remember that reading books is only the first 
step, try things out, experiment. Its the only way to learn.

Alan g.
Author of the Learn to Program website