[Tutor] Automating MSWord (py2exe)

alan.gauld@bt.com alan.gauld@bt.com
Mon Mar 24 12:44:02 2003

This is not really the answer you are looking for but...

> However, the script will be used by production people who do 
> not have Python.
> Our Systems Operations staff would not look too kindly on me 
> if I install Python on production machines.

Have you asked? Do they ban all language engines 
- eg Perl, VB, Java etc? or is ot just Python?

In other words can they be persuaded to install it?

> So, I packaged my script as a .EXE file using py2exe 

While this should work I personally take the approach 
that if the production platform can't run Python I will use 
another language which it can run. Could yuou port your code 
to JScript and run it under WSH for example? JScript is 
syntactically different but functionally similar to Python IME.
(Albeit with more code...)

Like I said this doesn't really answer your question just 
offers some different routes to explore...

Alan g.
Author of the Learn to Program website