[SciPy-user] Debian package(s)?

Pearu Peterson pearu at cens.ioc.ee
Thu Nov 14 14:06:21 EST 2002

On Thu, 14 Nov 2002, Steve M. Robbins wrote:

> Is it the consensus of the developers that CVS scipy is ready
> to be released?

The target date for SciPy 0.2 release is "before Christmas, 2002".

I guess it takes some time to stabilize Debian packaging hooks, so there
is no harm to start scipy debianization now. There will be only one large
change in SciPy CVS before its 0.2 release. This is replacing fftpack with
fftpack2 and I plan to apply this change by the end of this week
(probably tomorrow). Otherwise SciPy CVS is quite stable with respect to

> I'm also a Debian developer with strong interest in seeing f2py and
> scipy in debian.  My time & interest in scipy waxes and wanes,
> however.  I'm not heavily using scipy at the moment, which is why I
> didn't immediately volunteer to maintain the package for debian.  I
> would be willing to help out a group packaging effort, though.

Very good!


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