[SciPy-user] Debian package(s)?

Pearu Peterson pearu at cens.ioc.ee
Thu Nov 14 13:57:20 EST 2002

On Thu, 14 Nov 2002, Francesc Alted wrote:

> On Thu, Nov 14, 2002 at 07:46:37PM +0200, Pearu Peterson wrote:
> > Btw, are you also Debian developer?
> Actually no. I've tried to become a developer, but I had no luck to find a
> sponsor with time enough to guide me in that process.
> So, I propose to try to package scipy, say, during next week, and then send
> it to Joe Reinhardt for inspection and possible inclusion in Debian.
> Is that ok?

I guess it depends on Joe. My experience with debian packages is based
on only using Debian and sometimes installing few deb packages manually
(with apt-get or dselect).
However, I have noticed that few debianized packages either in their 
tar-ball or in their CVS contain debian/ directory containing necessary
files for creating deb-files. I was hoping that we could maintain this
directory inside scipy CVS repository so that debian packaging burden will
be more distributed among developers. The same applies also for chaco and


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