[SciPy-Dev] Fwd: [rlucas7/scipy] Run failed: Nightly build - master (c5e0ca5)

Andrew Nelson andyfaff at gmail.com
Mon Jul 27 21:02:05 EDT 2020

> Hmm, that might be it, difficult to say as it seems to occur only once a
> month it seems (despite being called nightly builds).
> Looks like github has "Enable local and third party Actions for this
> repository" as the default setting for my SciPy fork.
> I've changed to "Disable Actions for this repository" setting based on the
> linked suggestion, let's see if that works.

It's nightly in as much as it's testing against the current state of Python
3.9 at the time the branch is updated. We can call it something else if
desired (a cron job is also possible to truly run it every night).

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