[SciPy-Dev] Lomb-Scargle Periodogram: Press & Rybicki Algorithm

Christian Geier geier at lostpackets.de
Fri Mar 8 20:26:21 EST 2013

Hello everyone!

Would you in general be considering to include the Lombscargle
Periodogram by Press & Rybicki [1] into scipy in addition to the already
present one? I find the included algorithm by Townend rather slow and
had recently some "interesting" results returned by it.

I've recently translated the original FORTRAN code (which is actually
the description of the algorithm [1]) to (pure) python [2] and would like
to know what the legal situation is in this case: can I release this
translated code under the BSD license?

In this case I would translate the code further to cython and supply
tests and more documentation.


Christian Geier

[1] http://adsabs.harvard.edu/full/1989ApJ...338..277P
[2] https://github.com/geier/scipy/commit/710bf4ca514d223df39891eb20401aba2edd8cdb

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