[SciPy-Dev] tomorrow 0.11.0 final

Ralf Gommers ralf.gommers at gmail.com
Sun Sep 23 05:33:54 EDT 2012

Hi all,

The 0.11.0 release cycle has taken quite a bit longer than previous cycles
unfortunately, but I think now the 0.11.x branch is ready. Final commit
marking the test TestEig.test_singular that was failing on Windows for some
people as knownfail in 0.11.x is at https://github.com/scipy/scipy/pull/323.
The sort keyword to linalg.qz, which has been giving problems on several
platforms, has been disabled in both master and 0.11.x.

I consider the issues with arpack and single precision linalg routines on
OS X 10.8 out of scope for 0.11.0. It would be great if someone who's on
that OS could investigate, but it shouldn't block this release.

The few changes since RC2 don't require a new RC imo, so I plan to tag the
release tomorrow. If there's any commits I missed that absolutely need to
be backported, please let me know.

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