[SciPy-Dev] Make orthogonal eval_* ufuncs?

Eric Moore ewm at redtetrahedron.org
Sat Sep 22 12:45:11 EDT 2012

Hi list,

There are some issues with the eval_* routines for orthogonal polynomials.

1. They appear to support out parameters, but they don't.
2. They choke when handed lists rather than arrays. (This is ticket #1435)
3. special.binom is exported but doesn't appear in the docs on scipy.org.

I started to fix these issues this morning by turning them into ufuncs 
and calling hyp2f1, Gamma and lgam from cephes.h and hyp1f1_wrap from 
specfun_wrappers.h directly.  However the various error handling 
routines defined in _cephesmodule.c (line 1185+) are actually called in 
cephes/mtherr.c.  This means that I can't actually do it that way, 
unless I move some things around.  I'd propose moving all of the eval_* 
functions defined in orthogonal_eval.pyx to _cephesmodule.c and turning 
them all into ufuncs.



#1435: Problems when calling special.legendre function over a list for 
high order http://projects.scipy.org/scipy/ticket/1435

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