[PythonCE] Newbie error installing PythonCE22 on Jornada 720: "No module named ceshell"

Telion telionce@yahoo.com
Fri, 20 Sep 2002 07:30:48 -0700 (PDT)

--- rdev7@bigfoot.com wrote:
> Dear Telion,
> Thanks for the helpful tips!
> Just to clarify, in case anyone else faces the same
> problem - the
> capitalization of filenames does not seem to be a
> result of the zip program.
> When you unzip on Windows using Windows XP's
> embedded decompression program,
> or using Winzip, the filenames are all correctly
> extracted in lower case.
> In fact the problem occurs not when unzipping the
> archive, but subsequently
> when you try to copy the unzipped files across to a
> compact flash card.  For
> some reason this leads to capitalization of the
> filenames on the flash card.

Thank you Roy.
I will specify this in Readme file.

> Presumably the solutions to this are: 
> (a) to rename
> the files manually once
> they are on the compact flash card, which would be a
> little tedious as there
> are many files to rename; 

I would reject this solution.
I know that someone has done this, though.

> (b) to unzip the zip
> archive on the Jornada itself
> using Handyzip (www.cnetx.com); or 

There are other unzip on your HPC/PPC/PsPC
programs, too.

Pocket unzip is one.

Another one is Xacrett

But this may require lots of free memory.

> (c) possibly to
> use the PC-Jornada
> Serial/USB/Infrared connection to transfer the files
> might work, but I have
> not tried it as it would probably take a long time
> to transfer the ~6MB of
> files.

If your CE is connected via Lan,
HPC user may use your CMD.EXE.
>From Start menu, Run, and type "cmd" and enter.
You will see the CMD.EXE console. 
(You know this alredy, I guess)

There, type "dir \\desktop\"
I mean type in using the computer name of the desktop
If your MS network Folder sharing is enabled, 
and the Disk is set for sharing, you will see
the Disks of desktop.

So, you can copy from desktop to HPC by
simply using copy command.

> copy \\desktop\diskname\dirname\*.* \HPC-dir
You can do similar thing using Explorer.
Type \\computername-for-desktop\diskname\
as the directory address, and you can browse
desktop disks from HPC very easily.

> As you suggested, coming up with a CAB file
> distribution would be helpful
> longer term solution, but I am sure that it's just
> one of many development
> priorities on this project!

I'm seriously considering about this.
But I'm a newbie myself for developping
software for windows, and I don't know
.inf file format yet.
If someone sen me a .inf example for
pythonCE distro, probably I can just
modify directories and make cab within a minutes.

I will ask about this to Javier, since he knows
very well in these area, among other.

So, in several days, you will see cab file,
if everything goes well.

> Hope that helps in case anyone runs into the same
> problem, and thanks again
> for your help and for the great software.
> Roy

I'm sure it does.
I run search on Google and other search engine
every time I got in mess.
And sure enough, I find one of these messages. 

I would like to ask you one thing.

When you copied files to flash card,
which software did you use?

I mean, did you do that with Explorer,
or other stuff?
Because that is the real cause.
And you may encounter similar problel
in other occasion.

In other words, if you correct that software
or configration, copying files to flash card
would not be a problem for Python installation.

Anyway, I'll make cab, but keep zip, as well.
Personally, I like zip distro a little better.

- telionce@yahoo.com -

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