[python-uk] Eclipse + Pydev?

Dave Kirby dave.x.kirby at gmail.com
Wed Mar 24 12:23:08 CET 2010

Does anyone have experience of using Eclipse + Pydev with the Eclim
[1] plug that runs Vim inside Eclipse?

I have occasionally been tempted to try Eclipse for the benefits that
Pydev allegedly offer, but Eclipse's lack of a decent (i.e. Vim)
editor has put me off [2].   Can you combine Eclim and Pydev and get
the benefits of Pydev in a real editor?


[1] www.eclim.org

[2] that and the fact that last time I tried Eclipse it brought my PC
to a grinding halt and forced me to reboot - a common occurrence with
Java bloatware on my system.

On 23 March 2010 21:33, Ed Stafford <walter.stafford at carbonsixty.co.uk> wrote:
> If I can add my two (c|p)ents. From a complete work flow perspective there's
> a lot to be said for Eclipse and PyDev. With integrated source control
> systems and the Mylyn extensions for Trac, Bugzilla and a number of other
> systems it can improve your efficiency quite a bit if you buy into a little
> of the Eclipse way of doing things.
> For a python editor it can seem rather bloated until you start to see how
> you can use a number of the plugins available to you. Ram is cheap these
> days and a cross platform, full featured Python IDEs are in short supply.
> Don't get me wrong though, Eclipse can sometimes make you want to pull your
> hair out. For the most part the little trouble I've had has been well worth
> it.
> Cheers,
> -Ed Stafford
> On 23 March 2010 21:00, David Craddock <david.paul.craddock at googlemail.com>
> wrote:
>> Thanks for all the responses, they were very interesting and helpful.
>> On Sat, Mar 20, 2010 at 11:44 AM, Aaron Watkins
>> <aaron.j.watkins at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I also use this on a daily basis and am totally happy with it.
>>> I have to say, for it to be useful, you absolutely need to have PyDev
>>> Extensions installed. This used to be separate (paid-for) product, but is
>>> now rolled into the main PyDev product.
>>> The only complaint I have is that the IDE as a whole is a bit of a memory
>>> hog. I've found this to get much worse since I turned on redirection of the
>>> pylint output directly into the Eclipse console.
>>> Aaron Watkins
>>> On Thu, Mar 18, 2010 at 12:44 PM, Alex Anderson
>>> <alex_integra at hotmail.com> wrote:
>>>> > Date: Wed, 17 Mar 2010 19:32:11 +0000
>>>> > From: theology at gmail.com
>>>> > To: python-uk at python.org
>>>> > Subject: Re: [python-uk] Eclipse + Pydev?
>>>> >
>>>> > On 17 March 2010 18:16, David Craddock
>>>> > <david.paul.craddock at googlemail.com> wrote:
>>>> > > Without wanting to start an editor discussion or, more often as they
>>>> > > are
>>>> > > called, arguments - I would like to find out what people think of
>>>> > > the
>>>> > > Eclipse + Pydev combination for python development.
>>>> > > I'm keen to try this, but how does it work for you? If you use it,
>>>> > > does it
>>>> > > work well for you? Any complaints? Best features of this setup?
>>>> >
>>>> > I tried it a few times, but found it a bit overkill so went back to
>>>> > emacs. That however was some years ago now, so I would be interested
>>>> > to hear how you get on.
>>>> I use this combination on a daily basis. I find the syntax highlighting
>>>> is good, including the spellcheck inside string literals (I'm a clumsy typer
>>>> with sausage fingers. Spell checking is good) The "undefined identifier" and
>>>> "unused identifier" highlights in the newer version are good, as well. And
>>>> the code completion is, so far, the best I've seen for Python.
>>>> And I find the pylint integration a bonus for unit testing/test driven
>>>> development as I can run a suite of unit tests from a single keystroke.
>>>> A
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