Looking for Python programmers--where to search?

Courageous jkraska1 at san.rr.com
Sat Aug 26 15:53:10 EDT 2000

> In my experience a lot of "C++ programmers" are C coders who use "//"
> instead of "/* ... */" for comments.  They also seem to think that
> Hungarian Notation is part of the language.

"Okay, goddamit, no shit! It's a long pointer, you pedantic brainless
fuckhead!!! Now knock it the fuck off!!!!!"


> And they probably aren't really programmers either.  An earlier poster
> made the point I think.  Ignore languages and concentrate on their
> skills in problem solving, interpreting requirements and designing
> solutions.  If you get the right guy he will pick up Python the night
> after the first interview just because he wants to find out about this
> cool new language that you and your company are excited about.

I'm teaching a Python course next Wednesday. I'll be seriously
tempted to issue pinkslips to all those students who don't
understand the language in totum by Friday.

Who wants to work with programmers who can't figure out Python
in 3 days?



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