[py-dev] py.test and editors (Re: [issue57] Emacs and py.test tracebacks)

Ralf Schmitt schmir at gmail.com
Mon Aug 4 16:11:38 CEST 2008

On Mon, Aug 4, 2008 at 3:48 PM, holger krekel <holger at merlinux.eu> wrote:
> I don't have a strong opinion on this.  But for python 2.3 and
> 2.4 i guess it's somewhat nice to be able to type "python setup.py install"
> and have it work indepedently from the question if
> setuptools is installed.

setuptools enabled packages come with a short bootstrap module which
does install setuptools in case it is not installed. This should also
work with python 2.3.
(I think you will also need vs 6.0 instead of vs 2003 to build
extensions for python 2.3 on windows)

>> What do you think about distributing the greenlet module as it's own package?
>> Do you know about http://pypi.python.org/pypi/greenlet/?
> yes. is it actively maintained, though?

I don't think so..but I could be wrong, pypi unfortunately does not
show the release date.

> originally the greenlet lib was moved into the py lib
> to ease maintenance and because it was used in PyPy and
> we didn't want to add dependencies there.
> Today, I'd be fine both ways - for 0.9.2 i guess
> greenlets should still be part of the py lib, though.

ok. I'll try to implement a setuptools based setup.py then.

- Ralf

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