[py-dev] py.test and editors (Re: [issue57] Emacs and py.test tracebacks)

holger krekel holger at merlinux.eu
Mon Aug 4 15:48:32 CEST 2008

Hi Ralf, 

On Mon, Aug 04, 2008 at 14:57 +0200, Ralf Schmitt wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 4, 2008 at 12:02 PM, holger krekel <holger at merlinux.eu> wrote:
> >> What about removing some magic and using a standard setup.py?
> >
> > that's a good idea, i think.
> >
> > Actually i'd like to have a (generated or manually written for
> > now) setup.py that plays along nicely with setuptools.
> > Maybe it'S good if it also works without setuptools?
> I would rather use setuptools. You could remove the whole py/bin/win32
> directory as setuptools will create an .exe for each script.
> It's also easier to include data files, and makes development easier
> by being able to install the package in-place (python setup.py
> develop).
> However, it's also possible to create a standard distutils setup.py,
> which works with setuptools easy_install (you basically already have
> it) and which allows building a binary package for windows.

I don't have a strong opinion on this.  But for python 2.3 and
2.4 i guess it's somewhat nice to be able to type "python setup.py install" 
and have it work indepedently from the question if 
setuptools is installed.  

> > What do you think about starting a branch (based on release/0.9.x)
> > to get it towards such a state?
> Yes, why not. You want me to donate some spare time to work on it?

would be nice!  i'd also contribute, of course.
> What do you think about distributing the greenlet module as it's own package?
> Do you know about http://pypi.python.org/pypi/greenlet/?

yes. is it actively maintained, though? 

> (I've recently tried the eventlet library, which specifies the above
> as a dependency).

originally the greenlet lib was moved into the py lib 
to ease maintenance and because it was used in PyPy and
we didn't want to add dependencies there.  

Today, I'd be fine both ways - for 0.9.2 i guess 
greenlets should still be part of the py lib, though. 



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