[pypy-dev] Progress, but new issues with PyPy

Armin Rigo arigo at tunes.org
Fri Jul 8 17:05:51 EDT 2016

Hi Jeff,

On 8 July 2016 at 22:17, Jeff Doran <jdoran at lexmachina.com> wrote:
> Since I've overcome all the consistently repeatable errors in running our
> tests via nosetests,  I'm now left with a frustratingly inconsistent, but
> frequent error that leaves me with no clue.

I'd recommend using RevPDB (see blog post from today at
morepypy.blogspot.com), but I'd guess you are using at least cpyext.

> Any insight or suggestions on how to proceed would be appreciated.

Since your mail does not mention precisely which project you're
testing or how to reproduce in any way (unless I missed it), it's hard
for us to have any clue...

A bientôt,


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