[pypy-dev] Progress, but new issues with PyPy

Jeff Doran jdoran at lexmachina.com
Fri Jul 8 16:17:36 EDT 2016


I want to start with highlighting the improvements I've noticed sine late
last year with  PyPy.  At the time I was having issues with weakref
handling in PyPy when trying to do extensive lxml work which failed in
various ways.   That's all good now with lxml 3.6 and PyPy 5.1.0, but I'm
still not able to complete our test suite for code running on Python 2.7.10
on CPython.  My last major hurdle was monkey patching the Betamax playback
package we use to record http sessions.  My mandate was that in order for
us to consider using PyPy we needed all our existing tests to pass and that
meant using the current recordings. There were several places where strings
were compared (think of queries or POST bodies) that were stored at some
point in a dictionary.

Since I've overcome all the consistently repeatable errors in running our
tests via nosetests,  I'm now left with a frustratingly inconsistent, but
frequent error that leaves me with no clue.  It happens at different places
in running our tests, it cannot be captured by using pdb, and reports
nothing but InvocationError when it occurs.  Sometimes it goes maddeningly
far, but it will not finish.

Any insight or suggestions on how to proceed would be appreciated.

- Jeff


- running PyPy from pypy-5.1-linux_x86_64-portable on debian 8.5
   It's installed in /home/jeff/pypy
   $python --version
    Python 2.7.10 (3260adbeba4a8b6659d1cc0d0b41f266769b74da, Apr 21 2016,
    [PyPy 5.1.0 with GCC 4.9.2]

- running tests in a virtual machine via 'source

- running tests under tox:
       (pypy) $ tox -v   -e pypy
        using tox.ini: /home/jeff/lexmachina/deus_lex/tox.ini
        using tox-2.3.1 from /home/jeff/pypy/site-packages/tox/__init__.pyc
        pypy reusing: /home/jeff/lexmachina/deus_lex/.tox/pypy
         $ /home/jeff/lexmachina/deus_lex/.tox/pypy/bin/pip freeze
        pypy runtests: commands[0] | nosetests -vv --nocapture --pdb
        Lots of succssful test output then:

         ERROR: InvocationError:
'/home/jeff/lexmachina/deus_lex/.tox/pypy/bin/nosetests -vv --nocapture
--pdb bias.tests.processors.test_dar:TestDar'
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