[pydotorg-www] reference to optimizer.html?

Marc-Andre Lemburg mal at egenix.com
Tue Mar 15 07:35:56 EDT 2022

Hi Skip,

the https://github.com/python/pythondotorg repo is for the current
version of the website.

I have lost track of where the content of the legacy website is hosted.

It may be coming from this subversion repo:


The repo was not ported to GitHub, AFAIK.

If so, we'd somehow need to get the change applied there. Not sure,
whether that's possible anymore, though. I also don't know what we'd
need to trigger to get any such change up on the legacy website.
In the past, there was a cronjob taking care of this, but that's really
long ago.

Marc-Andre Lemburg

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On 15.03.2022 00:38, Skip Montanaro wrote:
> I keep getting approval requests from Google Drive for access to a peephole
> optimizer paper I gave at the Seventh Python Workshop (a looong time ago). I'm
> not seeing it in my Drive. I went to my Drive's Python folder just now and found
> it empty except for a README file whose entire contents are:
> Note to self: optimizer.html is referenced from www.python.org
> <http://www.python.org>.
> I cloned the https://github.com/python/pythondotorg repository, but don't find
> any references to optimizer.html therein.
> I dropped the paper and talk slides on my reconstituted website:
> https://www.smontanaro.net/python
> but there is also a copy of the paper on the Legacy python.org
> <http://python.org> site. Any chance someone here can easily locate the
> reference (should end with "optimizer.html") and replace it with
> https://legacy.python.org/workshops/1998-11/proceedings/papers/montanaro/montanaro.html
> I did find a reference in PEP 339 to the defunct foretec.com
> <http://foretec.com> website. I'll pursue correction of its link separately.
> Thanks,
> Skip Montanaro
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