[PyHealthcare] Introducing myself - Greg Lindstrom

Greg Lindstrom gslindstrom at gmail.com
Tue Mar 15 15:16:31 CET 2011

I'm Greg Lindstrom, manager of the IT department of Novasys Health, Inc., in
Little Rock Arkansas where we process claims for the health care industry.

I've been using Python for about 9 years (full time the past 7 years) and
work extensively with ASC/X12 data files.  I've written parsers and
generators for 277/278/820/835/837 and 997 files and am currently working on
a project where the file data is stored in a Mongo database.

I'm also the coordinator the the Python User Group in Arkansas and spent 3
years organizing the tutorials for PyCon (had to miss it this year because
of work).
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