[PyHealthcare] Introductions

Brad Allen bradallen137 at gmail.com
Thu Mar 17 19:36:22 CET 2011

That's quite an ambitious project, Dr. Inayath. I appreciate the
seriousness with which you're undertaking it. Hopefully it can receive
broad recognition to attract more volunteers to participate. You might
want to announce this project on the general python-announce-list ( at
python dot org). Contact me directly for more details.

On Wed, Mar 16, 2011 at 7:28 PM, Dr.Inayath <inayath2020 at gmail.com> wrote:
> My name is James (Dr.Inayath) and I am from India. My experience in India in
> Critical care and Cardiology units gave me significant insight into real
> time health care management problems. Am deeply concerned about these
> problems and would very much like to contribute to anything that can reduce
> unnecessary suffering. I think its a shame that even in this 21st century a
> huge part of population in this world doesn't have proper health care and
> even that health care system is rigged with unaccountability, corruption,
> and selfish businesses. I have spend lot of time brainstorming on how to
> resolve this problems and in the end decided to start a project called
> Project N. "N" comes from "Naimath" which means "Blessing". The central idea
> of this project is that - "the patient is the best adviser/doctor for
> himself since he is the most concerned about his health, provided he has
> sufficient knowledge available to him". Project N is a medical expert
> system, a virtual doctor that takes in facts and provides diagnosis,
> investigations and treatment. We are trying to emulate an expert specialist
> and the knowledge base is open source too, which we plan to build by
> collaboration of experts. At Pycon 2011 we have formulated a roadmap and
> system architecture (which looks pretty complicated!) which am yet to clean
> up before I  showcase to you guys.
> The project has got a flying start and we hope to maintain the momentum when
> we get back home. But we still do need lots of help, so if you can join this
> is what we are looking for in particular :
> Funding and Mentoring - Funding to speed up the process and help us work
> full time on this project. (This is HUGE project). Mentoring as we cannot
> afford to make mistakes.
> Python Developers
> 1. Web UI Developer - ZODB, Pyramid, General web stuff.
> 2. General Python developer - currently we need to discuss workflow, system
> administration.
> 3. Someone who can knows about security stuff.
> People from Health care and Medical Domain
> 1. Someone who can help us associate with health organizations, hospitals
> etc to test the prototype software.
> 2. Medical doctors or specialists to expand knowledge base, verify rules and
> add/check patient cases.
> 3. Someone who has experience with health care software and knows about
> legal or health regulations on such programs esp. HIPAA rules and
> liability/licensing issues.
> General
> 1. Someone who can help us with community organization and management.
> 2. Someone who can us with details regarding starting a nonprofit
> corporation, applying for grants, etc.
> The project website is www.naimath.com ,which is yet to be updated with
> current developments, which I hope  to do soon.
> If anyone has any ideas regarding our project we look forward to your
> comments!
> P.S: Have a look at this site too: www.hifa2015.org. Thank you!
> On Tue, Mar 15, 2011 at 6:53 PM, David Bear <dwbear75 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I think this is a great idea. My name is David Bear. I've worked at a
>> Arizona State University for 20 years, 10 of that running zope, plone and
>> coding in python. I joined this list because I wanted to understand the
>> issues pythonista's face in the health care industry, and to see how deeply
>> python and python based frameworks like zope, bluebream, bfg, pylons, etc.,
>> has penetrated in to this area.
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