[C++-sig] Boost.Python + OpenGL segmentation faults

troy d. straszheim troy at resophonic.com
Thu Nov 19 23:13:26 CET 2009

Dimitri Tcaciuc wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I've recently posted a problem to SO
> (http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1751408/boost-python-opengl-segmentation-faults),
> where I haven't had much luck with answer.
> My problem is that if I import OpenGL python libraries before
> importing my B.P bindings, I get strange segmentation faults for no
> apparent reason. I isolated a small test case which I'm attaching
> below. The current boost library version I'm using is 1.37; you'll
> have to make a change to Makefile if you have any other version
> installed.
> I'd greatly appreciate if anyone can give some insight on what's happening.

The only thing that strikes me is that I'd just use the 
vector_indexing_suite on the 'vector<A::ptr> elements'.

Beyond that, the next thing you'd want is a --with-pydebug 
--without-pymalloc build of python (with associated opengl and 
boost.python built against this library), get some stacktraces from 
running under gdb, and run things under valgrind with the 
valgrind-python.supp list from the Misc directory of the python 
distribution.  It is a bit of work to set up but you get a lot more 


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