[C++-sig] re: passing Boost wrapped classes

David Abrahams david.abrahams at rcn.com
Tue Jun 11 16:37:53 CEST 2002

From: "Mike Dickheiser" <miked at sinistergames.com>

> Ok, Dave, thank you.
> It looks like I probably will be moving to V2, then. As I mentioned
> I had to build Python and Boost both as a static lib because the Xbox
> doesn't support the use of .dll's. Off the top of your head do you know
> any major difficulties with doing this to V2? I wouldn't expect any, but
> thought I'd ask anyway just in case.

No, but you'll need to define BOOST_PYTHON_STATIC_LIB, and there may be a
few other things you'll need to adjust. It's not a configuration I support
directly, or use for testing (though some users have been doing this).

> By the way, how do I post responses that stay "within the thread"? Each
> I've posted so far it has started a new thread. The only address I know
> post to is "c++-sig at python.org", and I don't see any reply buttons
> anywhere...

Buttons are a function of email and/or newsreader clients. I have no clue
about your software.

I just reply to the posts I get in my inbox in the usual way, and they show
up threaded.


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