[Chicago] Tradeoffs (was: Acceptable transit times?)

sheila miguez shekay at gmail.com
Fri Dec 8 16:51:09 CET 2006

On 12/7/06, Ted Pollari <tcp at uchicago.edu> wrote:

> We're shooting for universities in the city because they'll be
> cheaper than a hotel conference space in the city, but they lack on-
> site housing... but they're in the city and that's a big draw and a
> big plus for various activities.  This is what PyCon 2003, 2004 and
> 2005 did.  The commute from housing was 30-40 minutes for some and as
> short as 10 for others, from what I recall.

You'll probably end up with people who can't or don't want to afford
the costs of a hotel in the city so you'll end up with people who have
to commute from the suburbs to the city location. (as opposed to visa


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