[Borgbackup] borg prune crashing: AttributeError: 'tuple' object has no attribute 'items'

Bryan Fields Bryan at bryanfields.net
Tue Nov 10 06:06:05 EST 2020

On 11/10/20 4:52 AM, Thomas Waldmann wrote:
>> The errors are below, and I'm not familiar with the internals of borg to
>> understand the error "'tuple' object has no attribute 'items'"
> It runs into that while trying to delete an archive from your repo.
> To delete it, it reads all item metadata from the archive because it 
> needs to decrement content data chunk references.
> A filesystem item's metadata is represented as a python dictionary, but 
> in your case there is a tuple (a different data type, which is totally 
> unexpected).
> It could be that the msgpacked data is corrupted (specifically: the byte 
> indicating the data type to create when unpacking) and then unpack 
> creates a tuple instead of a dict.

Ok, I understand this a bit, I've messed with python to do unpacking of binary
data and the unpack functions.

> Is this an encrypted (or authenticated) repo or did you use "-e none" to 
> switch off encryption/authentication?

This is an encrypted repo.

> Did you use borg < 1.1.11 on this repository? If so, did you follow the 
> advisory in the changelog when upgrading to >= 1.1.11?

I'm not sure what the prior version was.  I did a pip upgrade of it to the
latest before posting here.  Is there a way to see what it was written to with?

> What borg version is running on the repository server side?

root at web1:~# ssh <snip>.rsync.net -t  /usr/local/bin/borg1/borg1 -V
borg1 1.1.14

>> and don't believe there's any corruption as it's on ZFS with the backup provider.
> Corruption can happen at a lot of places, not just on storage.

Understood, it's possible, maybe not likely.

Thank you,
Bryan Fields

727-409-1194 - Voice

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