[Borgbackup] Lock error

Thomas Waldmann tw at waldmann-edv.de
Tue May 17 11:45:47 EDT 2016

On 05/16/2016 06:14 PM, Steve Schow wrote:
> I will be implementing a mechanism to prevent borg from being able to run over itself..

Guess for what the cache and repo lock were made for. :)

> I had to go back and delete several check point files and

You should not delete a checkpoint before having completed a backup of 
the same data set or you will remove chunks that were already 
transmitted into the repo and maybe re-usable by your next backup.

So, first have a completed backup, then delete checkpoints (or any older 
backup archive of same data set) - it will be faster that way.

 > restart the backup using an archive name from the day before
> (since the name of the archive was using a datestamp)

There is no requirement to match some old archive / checkpoint archive 
name to "continue / resume" it.

If you just run a new backup of same data set with any name BEFORE 
deleting the checkpoint archive, it will detect that some chunks are 
already in the repo and reuse them.

> how can I automatically clean up the lock files when this happens again?

I think you should not automatically do that, because you first have to 
make sure that there is no backup running and also, you may want to find 
out why it broke and fix the root cause.

>>> However I have low confidence in using borg for automated backups at this point due to this.

You never should have too much blind confidence in some automated 
backup, you rather should check the logs frequently and now and then try 
if recovering data actually works.


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