[Baypiggies] PyBay 2023: The Countdown Begins - Only 2 Weeks Left!

Tanya Bold tanya at pybay.com
Sun Sep 24 21:51:57 EDT 2023

<https://www.sfpythonmeetup.com/?ss_source=sscampaigns&ss_campaign_id=6510c97a32ae0b782b9770cc&ss_email_id=6510e79932ae0b782b989b00&ss_campaign_name=PyBay+2023%3A+The+Countdown+Begins+-+Only+2+Weeks+Left%21&ss_campaign_sent_date=2023-09-25T01%3A51%3A56Z> 09/24/2023 Hey there! We're thrilled to announce that PyBay <https://pybay.com?utm_campaign=website%20visit&utm_medium=email&utm_source=email> is now just two weeks away! To make this exciting event even more accessible, we're delighted to inform you that we have extended our special $25 discount offer until September 30th. Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to immerse yourself in the world of Python, learn from industry experts, and network with fellow Python enthusiasts. GET TICKETS NOW!  <https://bit.ly/pybay2023-email-tix> We’ve got an incredible lineup of speakers! Our main talks include: Embeddings: What they are and why they matter with Simon Willison, creator of Datasette and co-creator of the Django Web Framework Programming Your Computer with Glyph Lefkowitz, Founder of the Twisted project and contributed to dozens of open source projects Python's Types: 5 Amazing Ways Python Type Hints Will Supercharge Your Code with Michael Kennedy, host of @TalkPython and @PythonBytes, founder of Talk Python Training Design Patterns for Data Pipelines with Lisa Dusseault, CTO of Data Transfer Initiative and contributor to CalDAV and WebDAV FORKS? POOLS? ASYNC? Solving Wordle with Python’s concurrency tools with Christopher Neugebauer, Director of the Python Software Foundation, and co-organizer of North Bay Python conference Shiny: Data-centric web applications in Python with Joe Cheng, CTO of Posit, PBC (formerly known as RStudio) Pants: Cargo for Python with Benjy Weinberger, core maintainer of the Pants build system. Type safe data validation using Pydantic v2 with Adrian Garcia Badaracco, maintainer of Pydantic and Encode projects No More Nitpicks: effortless cleanup with fixers, formatters, and codemods with Zac Hatfield-Dodds, PSF Fellow and maintainer of Hypothesis and Pytest, and member of technical staff at Anthropic Python deployment with Docker and Poetry with Cristian Heredia, senior data engineer at Eolian Energy Craft Complex Mock Data with Jason Koo, Mobile Developer turned Pythonista and Neo4j’s resident Python Developer Advocate Empowering Diversity and Inclusion at remote workplaces with Prashi Doval, Engineer at Yahoo, Women in Tech Advocate Empowering Diversity and Inclusion at remote workplaces with Dan Burger, software engineer and data scientist formerly for Google, NASA, Vanderbilt University Infrastructure as a Product: Lessons in Platform Engineering with Nick DiRienzo, software engineer with experience across hyper-growth startups, public giants, and organizations of all sizes Better Together: Unleashing the Synergy of Pandas, Polars, and Apache Arrow with Chris Brousseau, founder of Surface Owl Data Science beasts (failures) and where to find them with Grishma Jena, Data Scientist with the UX Insights team at IBM in San Francisco Let's talk about JWT with Jessica Temporal, Sr. Developer Advocate at Auth0 by Okta and co-founder and co-host of Pizza de Dados Unleashing Python's Power: Serverless Innovations with AWS Lambda with Mayank Jindal, software engineer with extensive experience in creating microservices at Amazon Ranking and Retrieval Techniques for Retrieval Augmented Generation with Haystack with Tuana Celik, lead developer advocate at deepset, where she focuses on the open source LLM framework: Haystack Scale Data Science by Pandas API on Spark with Xinrong Meng, Apache Spark PMC (Project Management Committee) member and committer, main contributors to the Pandas API on Spark, and software engineer at Databricks Python in Hardware & Embedded Systems: A Deep Dive with Sriram Vamsi Ilapakurthy, senior Software Engineer working at Walmart Global Tech Using pandas and pyspark to address challenges in processing and storing time series instrument data with Aaron Wiegel, product owner for Laboratory Information Management Systems (LIMS) at Pivot Bio Online ML anomaly detection and visualization with Oli Makhasoeva, Director of Developer Relations & Operations at Bytewax Testing Strategies for Python with Liz Acosta, Developer Advocate, copywriter, social media manager, odd-job freelancer, and software developer Deploying LLMs on your laptop with Meryem Arik, co-founder and CEO of TitanML Elevating Python Development with Nix Package Manager with Salar Rahmanian, a contributor the Nix / NixOS open source project Understanding LangChain Agents and Tools with Twilio (or with SMS) with Lizzie Siegle, Twilio Developer Evangelist GET TICKETS NOW!  <https://bit.ly/pybay2023-email-tix> We can't wait to see you at PyBay and share the excitement of this Python-centric gathering. Thank you for being a part of our community, and we look forward to welcoming you to PyBay in just two weeks! The PyBay Team PyBay is a volunteer organization under the umbrella of the Python Software Foundation <https://www.python.org/psf-landing/> . Our conference is made possible by sponsors such as  <https://www.deepset.ai> deepset has applied the latest natural language processing technology to real-world scenarios since 2018. Founded by engineers, the company bootstrapped by working on custom NLP solutions for European enterprises. This experience led to Haystack—deepset's flagship open-source technology. Haystack, an LLM Python framework, offers a complete toolkit for building LLM-driven applications. With Haystack it’s easy to develop RAG, Google-like search, or a secure ChatGPT-like feature for technical documentation. With over 10k GitHub stars and a vibrant community, Haystack is used by engineering teams worldwide for applications scaling to millions of documents and thousands of concurrent end users. Check out deepset.ai  <https://www.deepset.ai>  <https://www.deepset.ai> Neo4j, the Graph Database & Analytics leader, helps organizations find hidden relationships and patterns across billions of data connections deeply, easily and quickly. Customers leverage the structure of their connected data to reveal new ways of solving their most pressing business problems, with Neo4j’s full graph stack and a vibrant community of developers, data scientists and architects across hundreds of Fortune 500 companies. Visit neo4j.com <https://neo4j.com/> . Check out neo4j  <https://www.neo4j.com> Want to promote your business or organization to the Python community? If you are interested, please contact info at pybay.com <mailto:info at pybay.com> to be a part of our sponsorship program!  <https://www.sfpythonmeetup.com/?ss_source=sscampaigns&ss_campaign_id=6510c97a32ae0b782b9770cc&ss_email_id=6510e79932ae0b782b989b00&ss_campaign_name=PyBay+2023%3A+The+Countdown+Begins+-+Only+2+Weeks+Left%21&ss_campaign_sent_date=2023-09-25T01%3A51%3A56Z>  <https://twitter.com/sfpythonmeetup> Help us continue putting on great events! Donate <https://www.bapya.org/donate> SF Python 584 Castro St # 383 San Francisco, CA 94114-2512 USA Unsubscribe  <https://campaign-preferences.com/unsubscribe/GrxpGn-HyxasYktZPXns7-1B2dinU4PAtZ6wnslpf-72iRQg0MDzQ0c9V6Uzkjhpy5kRH_VhvBXl5hQqBJU3ksawJItgtaChNwu0_PVooB-hP3iEg_Dtj6e1xy49JUS6ZIe2ufzQUu4BZCsSEE-Gl5MlkBxYC5b8QyvfQ3gl_Pp7XPIkVSubS8qjquBsplb7-Ovh9x5c1tD5b68nCfXrFzwPegt9fhSV3A0NRH0dKP9vAh7AkDdO4dgRoNt5xIGZ3NTN7mJ-_AqU7qzP1FtjZyy5pdZdPTydoUsKVHBOpXuG0G9nlYwECot9sXpN4rQEy-gDOxwA-UB1H7dDHVExqx14s6BgeyVs4TBLJmHo2qslVDcvqKC9Lmk=>
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